Saturday, September 24, 2011

Milestone: Holding Your Own Bottle

Hi My Love,
Well you reached another milestone this week, yesterday while at G'ma and G'pas (I was at work) you held your bottle for the first time!  G'ma sent me a picture message, I was so proud and slightly jealous that you achieved another milestone in front of her for the first time.  It's ok though, I know how much you love me, that is what matters.

Always Your Momma

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sweetest Moments

Hi My Love,
I wanted to take a moment while you nap to reflect on something I so enjoy.  It's those moments, when I'm holding you and you are just about to fall asleep.  You almost always look up me and smile as your blinks become longer and longer as drift into slumber.  Then the moment comes when you are asleep, at peace and in rest.  It's really beautiful.  Some people say you aren't supposed to hold babies until they fall fully asleep but I just can't help myself.  As a working mom I often find myself thinking "I just don't get that many moments like this."  Typically it's at the very end of the day, after your bath, one formula bottle of the day and story time...we're in the rocking chair, I just sit there allowing myself to soak in the moment.  I secretly enjoy when you won't go to sleep immediately and we just sit there looking at each other, smiling and rocking.  I know the days you will fit in my arms are numbered and I was to soak up as many of the moments as I can and store them away in my heart.

I love you so

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Brown Eyes

This is solely for my memory but I swear you were born with brown eyes.  At very least they were steal blue/brown.  Why do I mention this?  During my pregnancy I'd tell everyone I want you to look like your Dadda with olive skin, dark hair and medium blue eyes.  You were born exactly as I imagined you except you have my eyes, as much as I hoped you would have your Dadda's eyes I truly love that you have my eyes.  Well actually I think your eyes are a tad darker than mine, yours are officially a deep brown and so beautiful!
Your Brown Eyed Momma

Making Memories

My Liam-
You are growing so quickly!  You smile  a lot and it's adorable, when you smile really big you stick your tongue out, it makes me laugh which makes you laugh!  You also "talk" all of the time, it's the best part of my day to hear you tell me stories (or when you really get going I call it singing to me)!  I can't recall exactly when you found your hands but they are your favorite thing ever, you chew on your index fingers all the time and it's hilarious!
Something else I want to remember is I think you might be left handed, you seem to use it more and have more control over it than your right.  Not that I care but I think it's neat and wonder if I'll be right.
Overall you are a very happy baby, you enjoy your nightly baths but hate tummy time with a wild passion!  You don't seem to know the dog exists just yet, she however is well aware of you (and seems afraid of you) LOL!
There is more I'd like to write but it's late, your asleep and I'm pooped, more to come soon my love!
Always your-