Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Things I Want to Remember

Hi My Sweet Growing Boy!

These stories are a bit late and a little random but I don't want to forget them!  About two weeks ago you got a ear infection and Dr H gave us some amoxicilin for you to take (2 tablespoons per day, 1 in the am and 1 in the pm).  One night we had just put you down, it was after several days of medicine so you were back on the road to health but this night I'd forgotten to give you it until after we had put you down.  Since it had only been a few minutes I rushed to get the dose and went in your room, you were laying there on your back with your monkey on your tummy, feet crossed and up on the side of your crib just chatting away with your toy!  I could hardly stop myself from laughing, you smiled at me so big, took your medicine and were just as happy to go back to chatting with your monkey as I closed your door!  I want to rememnber this because it's just how you've been as a baby/toddler, always so happy go lucky.  Most nights you chat with your toy for a few minutes before drifting off to sleep. 

Then yesterday my boss let me leave early so I could get your haircut and surprise Dadda. (Dadda had been complaining your hair was long and out of control, it was true).  I left work and picked you up at Nanna's and rushed to our hairlady.  You didn't love your second haircut, you wanted nothing to do with sitting on my lap or having a cape on you.  Luckily our hairlady has a little boy and knows how to get those haircuts done fast!  After you were so happy and looked so much older!  Immediately I wondered why I waited to cut your hair, you are so cute with or without curls!  After that we drove to see my boss, she loves you so!  She is always asking to see you, I think she may have left me off early just so I would bring you by!  Then we went to surprise Dadda at work!  On the way there you just started laughing at nothing!  It was so funny I started laughing which made you laugh more!  Both of us were cracking up almost the entire way to Dadda's work!  Once we arrived at Dadda's work he was so excited to show you off to all his coworkers!  You are the life of the party for sure!    I just love that you are such a happy little guy who finds joy in the smallest of things! 

You fill my life with happiness!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ear Infection, Teeth Total=6 & Starting to Walk!

Hey Mr Liam,

This post is a bit late but I wanted to document it.  On Aug 9 Nanna called me at work that you weren't yourself, you had slept from when I dropped you off until lunch and wouldn't eat.  You had started to get a cold so I asked her to take your temp and I would call your doctor.  Sure enough you were at 102.  Your doctor's office confirmed that they would like to see you, especially because you were lethargic.  I left work and picked you up from Nanna's, back at home we had over an hour until your appointment so we sat in the rocking chair in your room and just snuggled.  Nanna was right, you weren't yourself, you are always on the go, not one to cuddle for an hour.

Before we knew it we were at the Dr H's office.  You weighed in at 21.2lbs and 29 inches.  Even the nurse commented that you weren't yourself.  Dr H came in and examined you, sure enough....ear infection.  These are common since you are teething with your top two teeth.  He called us in a rx for amoxicilin, gave us a few pointers and said he'd see us at your next appointment.

Back at home you were still a sad little guy.  You didn't sleep well that night either, I had to get up a couple times and rock you which means I took the next day off work to just care for you.  The next day you almost looked grey, you even had little dark circles under your eyes, it was so sad.

That was almost two weeks ago, you have finished your medicine and are totally healthy again, Thank God!  And two more teeth, on the bottom, are coming through!  You are going to have a mouth full of teeth before we know it!

Not only all this but you are getting really good at taking steps!  You will take about four in a row before you drop to your bottom and crawl.  You can stand independently really well too.  Dadda thinks it will be a week before you are walking, I'm not sure but you are so very close!

Everyday is so exciting, we love you so very much!

Monday, August 13, 2012

14 Month Stats

Hello Sweet Liam,

Well unfortunately I had to take you to the doctor last week, you just weren't yourself.  You wouldn't eat (that never happens) and were sleeping a ton, when Nanna called to say you were "a limp noodle who just wanted to cuddle" I called your doctor's office and they had me bring you in.

Nanna was right, we had an hour from when I left work to get you and your appointment and all you did was sit on my lap.  We sat in your rocking chair in the cool and dark of you room and just snuggled, poor little guy I could tell you had a fever.

At Dr. H's office your temp was 102. Sad.  Even Dr H's nurse sad "this is not Liam at all" as you had a continual dialog of a low whine.  It was as if you were telling anyone who would listen "I don't feel good."  She weighed you (21.2lbs) and measured you (29 inches). Then we waited for Dr. H.

I think you've begun to associate Dr H with shots (even though his nurses administer them) because you are never really excited to see  him.  Dr H examined you, in yoru right ear there was apparently too much wax so he pulled out a small purple plastic stick with a loop on the end.  He assured me it wouldn't hurt you but feel very strange.  I think you would disagree you cried and cried.....and peed through your diaper and all over me.  No big deal, you weren't feeling well, it's only a shirt and it can be washed.  Dr. H gave us a clean diaper, said you had  a ear infection and prescribed amoxicilin two times a day for ten days.  He even pointed out that one of your teeth is popped through and the other should be through by the end of the ten days, yay!

I took you home to snuggle, called Dadda to pick up some things from the grocery story and your meds.  Today we are half way through and you are already doing great.  (Last night I was laying in the recliner not feeling well and you were playing on the floor, you kept getting up and hugging my feet over and over, you are certainly my Sweet Liam.)

Last night you spent the night at Grandma's as I was pretty sick.  I am sure you are having a great day, you love G'ma and G'pa and they love you lots!

Love you to the moon and back,

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Not a Baby, Not yet a Toddler

Sweet Liam,

I miss calling you "Baby Liam".  It's true you are no longer a baby, but you're not yet a toddler either.  You're kinda in this funny stage, you love your independence but you are still a little clingy.  Sometimes you will do anything to escape from someone holding you especially if there are toys, other children or any kind of water near (you looooove water)!  Other times you want nothing more than your Momma, I can't leave the room with out wails and big tears coming from my little guy (even if I only leave for a second).  Teething may be part of this strange stage you are in, I can't imagine what it feels like to be getting your top two front teeth at the same time, ouchy. 

You're not a toddler yet because you still don't walk unassisted.  This is fine by me, normal age for walking is 15-18 months, you have plenty of time.  You've shown interest, you love to walk holding our fingers or with your dino toy.  It has to be one of the funniest things to watch you walking as fast as you can behind that dino, you let our a little scream of joy, I can't help but laugh each time!  It's walking solo that you have no interest in.  I'm sure you will be that kiddo that figures it out in a blink of an eye and goes straight from taking steps to running!  I look forward to those days but refuse to wish away the ones I'm currently given. 

These days are short and fleeting, I do all I can to cherish each moment I have with you.  One thing I especially cherish right now is the clingy moments.  I might be a bit looney tunes, haha!  Sure sometimes it's a bit frustrating when I just need to go pee and you start to wail but I always remind myself that these moments won't last.  It's actually kinda sweet that you just want that much of my time and attention.  I honestly don't mind.  When you get really worked up or frustrated I've learned that you love nothing more than for me to scoop you up, go in your room and sit with you in the rocker and read you a book or two (especially if it's a texture book!).  You sit quietly while I read you whatever I have on hand (Little Quack is my favorite, you seem to have no preference).  These brief moments, whether in the morning before work or in the evening after dinner, are so precious to me, so much more precious than you will ever know.  If only I could bottle them up and save them for the day you are a pre-teen and ask me to drop you off three blocks from school......

I love you Liam!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Our Little Secret

Sweet Liam,

Now that you are fully weaned of bottles we give you a sippy during bedtime routine.  Usually it's whatever you haven't finished from dinner or your most recent snack.  You sit on my lap and drink while Dadda reads to us a story or two from your children's bible.  Recently you discovered that I'll sit there longer if you are still drinking, I'll even wait until you've finished all you have.  You take full advantage of this.  Dadda kisses you after he's done reading and I sit there with you until you finish drinking, you lean against my chest and we listen to your noise machine together.  You think you're pretty sly.

What you don't know is that I've caught on to you...something else you don't know is that sometimes I put extra in your sippy so I can enjoy those prolonged snuggles.

It can be our little secret.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Double the Teeth!

Sweet Liam,

Last weekend we spent Saturday at Holland Lake, you had gone up Friday morning with G'ma to spend some time with extended family while Dadda and I worked then went on a date.  You loved the lake, we played in the rocks and water near the shore, we hiked to the falls (I wore you in a framed pack there and back), we snacked and all laughed, it was a wonderful time!

Saturday afternoon after our hike you napped, when you woke up we were snacking and Dadda noticed something new in your mouth...two new things actually!  You have two new teeth coming in!  You have the two middle bottom teeth already, you got those in March, so now you will have four teeth!  You are such a happy guy we didn't even know you were teething!  In fact you are still pretty happy but I think the pain has gotten to you a little the last few days, it's made you a little grumpy and clingy but we understand!

You are becoming such a big boy; you stand all by yourself with no support and walk (er, run) very well with your dino walker/toy.  You love to walk around holding our fingers, you shout with joy "eeeeeeee!"  You like to put cups inside of one another by size and dump them out.  You love all food and eat anything we make you, except green beans. You love going places and being outside, we've taken many Saturday morning walks to the farmer's market and you so enjoy seeing all the people and just chillin' together.

You are happy and fill our lives with joy!
I love you more than I can ever express-