Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Happy! Happy! Happy!

Sweet Liam,

This passed weekend was labor day weekend, the unofficial end to Summer in MT. Fall is rapidly appraoching so everyone tries to jam one more fun filled weekend in. Our little family was pretty successful if I do so say, we went up to Dadda's Uncle Doug's cabin where lots of family was camping! We drove up early Sunday morning and spent the day just hanging out, little 3yr old cousin Ricky was there and you two had a blast getting seven levels of dirty, it was adorable!

Monday we were all off, after a very short nap I decided you and I should go have some quality time. We went and ate at Burger King sharing some chicken nuggets and fries (you had milk, I had iced tea), as we loaded into the car to run some errands you started saying "Happy! Happy! Happy!" over and over as loud as you could! My heart beamed, you had never even said happy before yet here you were telling me how happy you were to spend time with me. I tear up just thinking about it.

I love you so much Liam. I know I'm not always perfect but I try so darn hard and I hope you always know that. I'm always working to make your life better, happier and filled with more love.

Thanks for being such an amazing little boy, I love you Sunshine!