Saturday, November 23, 2013

Eye Luff Uuuuu!

Sweet and Silly Liam,

I am so thankful you are a Momma's Boy! I know you may not always be but with each day you run up to me and exclaim Mom-Meeee!!! my heart overflows with joy and thankfulness. You have such a fun and silly side, you simply crack me up!

I have always said I love you  but pointing to my eye, making a heart with my hands and touching your nose. You have always loved this and this summer started making a heart with your hands (it's more like you put the tips of your fingers together but close enough). Lately you have been pointing to your eye and saying "luff" with the heart and pointing to your nose, I laugh which makes you laugh. It's the best part of my day! I call it our secret code! I lay you in your crib after story time and say "are you ready for our secret code?" and you say "YES YES YES!". Heart melted!

Lately your vocabulary is exploding, just this week you said at least three new words! Of course I can only think of one off the top of my head (you suddenly said "Go Nanna's House?"). I know you understand so much more than we realize but when you pick up on things (like realizing it's the day you go to Nanna's house while I work) it just blows my mind. You are growing up so quickly, I know I saw that each time I write you but it seems time manages to find a faster speed each day.

I can not wait for Christmas this year, I know you will so enjoy every part of it! And it's our first Christmas in our home!! I'm tempted to put up the tree early (it's our first year with a fake tree and I'm pretty excited). We'll see if I can convince your Dad!

I love you Liam. You are a special blessing in my life and I don't take one moment with you for granted! Being your Momma is the best part of my life!


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Fridays With You

Sweet Liam,

I know I say this just about every time I write you but time is speeding by me at increasing speed.

I may not have mentioned yet that I took a new job, my dream job actually, doing Marketing/PR for an amazing Fitness Facility in our town. I get to pursue my passion, I want so much for you to see that first hand so that you do the same with your life. Follow your dreams and what makes you happy Liam, life is very short! I've always loved health and fitness now I get to be part of a place where people are encouraged to be healthy and it's incredible! Another wonderful perk is that I work four days a week so I get to spend Fridays with YOU! It's been about two months and you are well aware of when Fridays are! We have started a tradition of chocolate chip pancakes and you couldn't be happier! We often just have lazy days in our jammies but I think I'll start setting up some play dates and perhaps we can start going swimming since the cold weather is now here to stay!

I feel so blessed Liam. Our lives are not perfect, I'm not a perfect person or mother but I want you to know that I give my very best to everything I do...some times I fail and that's ok. Not everything in life works out, it's ok to make mistakes and fail. But it's also ok to do your very best and be happy! What I'm trying to say here is find some balance in life, learn to fail and learn from your failures! You do not have to be perfect, no one expects that of you! I do expect you to try your best though. I'll always love you no matter what!

I love you Liam!!!


Friday, November 8, 2013

Funny Things You Do

Sweet Liam,

Life sure has gotten busy! I'm sorry I haven't made the time to write to you but I'm here now. I wanted to write you a quick note and tell you about some of the funny things you do. At least they are funny to me, most of the time.

Today I was told you are articulate for a two and half year old. I guess I didn't realize but I'm proud of you regardless. Some of the cute things you say:

-You still identify most animals by their names; you say "Hi Neigh!!!" to the horses near G'mas house. Also woof for dog, rawr for dinosaurs.
-You LOVE fish (or fishies), you want to see them, watch them (real or cartoon format is ok)
-When you really don't want to do something you say "NO WAY"F-130
-You still copy me when I say "I Love You" (point to eye, make heart with hands and point to you), you also giggle like crazy when I do this.
-You follow me around like crazy, making dinner and you are by my side, blow drying my hair on Friday morning and you are reading a book on the bathroom floor.
-You LOVE when I color or do water colors with you, you point out a dozen times that we did a piece of art together.
-Riding in Daddy's "car" (single cab  F-150) is your heaven, you LOVE it!
-Your a total Momma's Boy and I LOVE it!

I feel like I'm forgetting a dozen things since it's so late.

Two hasn't been the easiest year, I know you want to communicate so much more than you can and you so strong willed that you want your way a lot. We've had some hard days but always know I love you unconidtionally, but I love you enough to teach you to be a well behaved boy. I promise you will thank me one day.

I have loved every moment, even the hard ones, of being your Momma!