Sunday, November 13, 2011

Time Flys

Hey Sweet Boy,

Wow time is flying, tomorrow you will be 5 months old!  Wow!  You are such a sweet and happy boy, I hope you are always that way, I'll do whatever I can to ensure you are!  You are so close to rolling over from your back to your tummy!  I tried so hard to get you to do it all weekend, I want so much to see you hit these milestones for the first time myself. 

Some firsts are all mine, we got you a bouncer you can stand it...your a little too little for it my peanut baby but you seem to enjoy it in small doses.  Just Dadda and I got to experience you in it for the first time (for the record Momma assembled it!). 

It was such a nice weekend, why do they have to be so short?  Seems the more I enjoy them the faster they go.  I'm not ready for it to be Monday, I'll have to take another day off soon to spend with just you.

I love you to the moon and back-

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