Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Quick Note

Dearest Liam,

We had the best weekend, our little family spent lots of time together just hanging out....these are some of my favorite times.  That is one of the best things you have taught me; to just slow down and live in this moment and just play cars. And I love it, love it!

I wanted to take a quick moment and just say something, you know in case there is a day when I can't; just so you know I love you fiercely.  Our family time is sacred to me and you are first and foremost my number 1 priority in this life.  I have loved every moment of being your mom, even the really hard and frustrating moments (you'll know what I mean when you have a toddler one day, said with a smile).  I mean it from the depths of my heart and soul each time I tell you I love you.  I pray that I get to see you be a teenager and you can be annoyed when I hug/kiss you and tell you I love you.

I know I won't always be your friend but I will always be your mom.  I hope I am able to teach you important things, to love God and others, to be kind, to read and run.  It's a big job to be a good mom and raise a good man but I'm trying.

Thank you for the greatest gift,

While I'm here a quick note on your favorite things: matchbox cars, trains in any shape or form but especially Thomas the Train on tv.  You love fish sticks, peas and any kind of pasta or fruit.  (There really isn't much food you don't like aside from Olives and eggs which you used to love). When you get really happy or excited you say "mom-mom-mom-mom" over and over as fast as you can and it melts my heart.  You love books as much as ever, you could easily spend a whole day bringing me books to read you.  You could also spend each and every day outside all day, summer will be here soon my love and I promise you lots of outside time!