Monday, October 29, 2012

Goodbye Morning Nap, Hello Molars

Sweet Liam,

Holy Smokes, it's true when they say your child(ren) grow up so fast!  It feels like just yesterday you couldn't hold up your own head how you're a running fool!

A few weeks ago you started to transition out of your morning nap and like all other things so far we've let you take the lead on being ready or not.  You were clearly ready, so we had Nanna encourage it a little.  Within just two weeks you were fully transitioned, we had one little set back while you weren't feeling so great but now we are clear on the side of no return.  And ya know what?  I'm so happy!  I know a lot of parents morn the loss of the morning nap because they fit in more "me" time or clean or whatnot and I certainly did use it as "me" time on Saturdays.  BUT this whole single two hour nap in the middle of the day is delightful!  We can leave the house for more than two hours at a time, why hello going to church!  You are clearly happy with the change as well.  It makes fitting a weekend workout in a little trickier for me but it's ok, I'd rather have the extra time with you anyway.

And in similar news you have a mouth full of teeth!  Seriously!  I had no idea this is how teething went!   You started in March and it's been pretty much back to back teeth!  Now you're getting molars! Molars! What?!  You just don't seem old enough for this business!  Poor little guy, man they tell you molars are a b---h and they are!  I couldn't for the life of me figure out why you'd been so incredibly grumpy lately then I stuck my finger in your mouth, because that is what moms do....and hello THREE molars trying to come in (one had at least broken through the skin and two others are super puffy).  Duh Jen!  Gosh I felt like a bad mom, all you wanted was teething tablets!!!  And you was a saint after I gave them to him.  This whole parenting thing sure has a learning curve!

I love you so much and love watching you grow up!!

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