Sweet Liam,
You are turning into the most fun little boy ever! Yesterday we made it to church and you did really well in the nursery with all your buddies! After an afternoon nap we ate and then you and I headed back to church to volunteer with the kiddos (something we started doing together last fall). Sometimes this is a challenge for you, sharing me isn't your strong point, especially sharing your Momma. :) Last night though we had a blast! There we maybe six other kids your age, we all played, laughed and enjoyed a snack while I taught lesson. It was by far the most fun we've had volunteering. I really consider you my little buddy, I enjoy taking you on errands and spending as much time together as we can.
I'm so excited for all 2013 holds for us sweet boy, I love you to the moon and back!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Sledding &Christmas Lights
Hi Sweet Liam,
Well we finally got some snow and by some I mean like 5 inches! I can't believe it took so long! This weekend we bundled you up and Dadda and I each took you sledding!
You were so cute in your snow pants and carhart coat....you could hardly walk but you were warm! On Sunday afternoon I decided to take you out-and-about in the sled. You weren't so excited about all the layers until I buckled you into your baby size sled and off we went! We are currently renting until we are in our forever home this Spring but the good thing about the rental is that there is a school just one block from the house so we headed there. You enjoyed going all around in the snow drifts, once at the school I pulled you up and down a very tiny hill. Unforunately you started to get cold fast and then apparently I wasn't pulling you home fast enough. I unbuckled you assuming you'd like to be carried home, nope. You wanted to walk and didn't want to hold my hand! You even fell, hard, a couple times but it didn't even phase you! You just enjoyed the freedom of walking! (I don't make you walk outside often right now because of the snow). We walked, very slowly, about half the way home. It was adorable and a memory I'll always cherish!
Dadda and I also put up some Christmas decor this weekend, I guess the snow made it more real that Christmas is quickly approaching. Because we are preparing to move and our rental is so small we opted for no tree this year. Instead we put up lights in the shape of trees on our windows. You seem to love it more than any of the real tress you've seen so far! You also love this little teddy bear your great aunt Toots got you, it reads the Christmas story and you think that is just wonderful, the smile you get as the bear reads is just so sweet and innocent. I pray you have this kind of joy all your life in one way or another!
I love you my peanut child!
Well we finally got some snow and by some I mean like 5 inches! I can't believe it took so long! This weekend we bundled you up and Dadda and I each took you sledding!
You were so cute in your snow pants and carhart coat....you could hardly walk but you were warm! On Sunday afternoon I decided to take you out-and-about in the sled. You weren't so excited about all the layers until I buckled you into your baby size sled and off we went! We are currently renting until we are in our forever home this Spring but the good thing about the rental is that there is a school just one block from the house so we headed there. You enjoyed going all around in the snow drifts, once at the school I pulled you up and down a very tiny hill. Unforunately you started to get cold fast and then apparently I wasn't pulling you home fast enough. I unbuckled you assuming you'd like to be carried home, nope. You wanted to walk and didn't want to hold my hand! You even fell, hard, a couple times but it didn't even phase you! You just enjoyed the freedom of walking! (I don't make you walk outside often right now because of the snow). We walked, very slowly, about half the way home. It was adorable and a memory I'll always cherish!
Dadda and I also put up some Christmas decor this weekend, I guess the snow made it more real that Christmas is quickly approaching. Because we are preparing to move and our rental is so small we opted for no tree this year. Instead we put up lights in the shape of trees on our windows. You seem to love it more than any of the real tress you've seen so far! You also love this little teddy bear your great aunt Toots got you, it reads the Christmas story and you think that is just wonderful, the smile you get as the bear reads is just so sweet and innocent. I pray you have this kind of joy all your life in one way or another!
I love you my peanut child!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Silly Hobbies
Sweet Silly Liam,
I want to share with you one of your current favorite hobbies...playing with your Dad's shoes. You love to get into our room, find two of his shoes (mostly often you find matching gym shoes), you shove your arms all the way in them and walk around with them on your arms. This is possibly the cutest thing ever! You are always so proud of yourself, and find this just as humorous as we do! I love how the simpliest things give you the most joy...not nearly as much as I love you though!
The Luckiest Momma in the World
Your Momma
I want to share with you one of your current favorite hobbies...playing with your Dad's shoes. You love to get into our room, find two of his shoes (mostly often you find matching gym shoes), you shove your arms all the way in them and walk around with them on your arms. This is possibly the cutest thing ever! You are always so proud of yourself, and find this just as humorous as we do! I love how the simpliest things give you the most joy...not nearly as much as I love you though!
The Luckiest Momma in the World
Your Momma
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Little Boy
My Sweet and Funny Liam,
I want to remember this: Last night as I drove out to Nanna Annette's I was imagining you as you grow up. (Not that I haven't done this before but now that we are on the path to owning our own home the future is easier to imagine.) Anyway it was such a pretty fall day (no snow yet which is odd) I was daydreaming a little as I drove and for some reason I started thinking about if you will want a pet of your own someday like a lizard. I wondered how your dad and I would handle it and if we'd let you have one (we probably will if you ask). Then I imagined you standing in your room, about eight or so years old and I could hear you asking me and I could see you telling me where it could live in your room and how you'd take care of it. It was the nicest little day dream and it suddenly occurred to me that you won't be this tiny little boy forever. I know that seems silly but I just so enjoy the strange you are currently at that it sort of didn't dawn on me that you will be eight some day and may want a lizard. I just laughed.
Then we got home, I let you play in the livingroom while I prepared dinner, you were extra chatty and just looking at books. I went to peak in on you and you had picked up a toy car and were wondering around chatting with yourself and I just smiled, you are such a little boy! You love trucks and making noise and I can so see the boy you will become. You are going to fill our lives with so much joy, so much more than you already do.
Maybe I'm extra sappy lately, you'll probably think I'm silly for even wanting to remember these simple things but I just love you....I love being your mom. You are absolutely the best thing that has ever happened to me and I cherish every moment with you.
I love you Liam, so very much!
I want to remember this: Last night as I drove out to Nanna Annette's I was imagining you as you grow up. (Not that I haven't done this before but now that we are on the path to owning our own home the future is easier to imagine.) Anyway it was such a pretty fall day (no snow yet which is odd) I was daydreaming a little as I drove and for some reason I started thinking about if you will want a pet of your own someday like a lizard. I wondered how your dad and I would handle it and if we'd let you have one (we probably will if you ask). Then I imagined you standing in your room, about eight or so years old and I could hear you asking me and I could see you telling me where it could live in your room and how you'd take care of it. It was the nicest little day dream and it suddenly occurred to me that you won't be this tiny little boy forever. I know that seems silly but I just so enjoy the strange you are currently at that it sort of didn't dawn on me that you will be eight some day and may want a lizard. I just laughed.
Then we got home, I let you play in the livingroom while I prepared dinner, you were extra chatty and just looking at books. I went to peak in on you and you had picked up a toy car and were wondering around chatting with yourself and I just smiled, you are such a little boy! You love trucks and making noise and I can so see the boy you will become. You are going to fill our lives with so much joy, so much more than you already do.
Maybe I'm extra sappy lately, you'll probably think I'm silly for even wanting to remember these simple things but I just love you....I love being your mom. You are absolutely the best thing that has ever happened to me and I cherish every moment with you.
I love you Liam, so very much!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Extra Dadda Time
You Lucky Boy!
Lately you've gotten all kinds of extra time with Dadda! The first time (about two weeks ago) probably wasn't a ton of fun for you as you had a random fever but I wanted to let you know your Dad took the time off without a second though! How nice is that! Yesterday when Dadda came home he said work had been extra slow this week so he'd taken tomorrow (now today) off to spend with you! Lucky you!
This morning you got to sleep in an extra 45 minutes, you woke up with happy chatter, it was so sweet! I made all of us cheesy scambled eggs since I was up early to prepare for work. We all happily ate and chatted in the kitchen, it was like you knew you'd get extra time at home with Dad! Soon enough I had to get to work, first I cleaned you up and changed your diaper and we snuggled a little extra.
I called before lunch to see how you were, Dad said you just smiled at the phone when you heard my voice. Since you were still up I made a special trip home at lunch to see you. We snaked together and chatted, I cleaned you up again and we sat in your rocking chair just snuggling before I had to head off to work again.
You are a very lucky boy, I want you to know just how much your Dadda loves you! You are the light of his heart and soul, he would truly do anything for you! When you hug him or shout "DADA!" his face fills with joy, please always know we love you so very much!
I can't wait to see you sweet boy, only two more hours of this silly work day!!
Lately you've gotten all kinds of extra time with Dadda! The first time (about two weeks ago) probably wasn't a ton of fun for you as you had a random fever but I wanted to let you know your Dad took the time off without a second though! How nice is that! Yesterday when Dadda came home he said work had been extra slow this week so he'd taken tomorrow (now today) off to spend with you! Lucky you!
This morning you got to sleep in an extra 45 minutes, you woke up with happy chatter, it was so sweet! I made all of us cheesy scambled eggs since I was up early to prepare for work. We all happily ate and chatted in the kitchen, it was like you knew you'd get extra time at home with Dad! Soon enough I had to get to work, first I cleaned you up and changed your diaper and we snuggled a little extra.
I called before lunch to see how you were, Dad said you just smiled at the phone when you heard my voice. Since you were still up I made a special trip home at lunch to see you. We snaked together and chatted, I cleaned you up again and we sat in your rocking chair just snuggling before I had to head off to work again.
You are a very lucky boy, I want you to know just how much your Dadda loves you! You are the light of his heart and soul, he would truly do anything for you! When you hug him or shout "DADA!" his face fills with joy, please always know we love you so very much!
I can't wait to see you sweet boy, only two more hours of this silly work day!!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Your Second Halloween {Parenting Fail}
So, to say your Dad and I are newbies at this parenting stuff is putting it lightly. Sometimes it's glaringly obvious you are our first child. Like this Halloween, your second. We had the brilliant idea of dressing you up and parading you all over town to see people....we didn't think about the fact that your costume (a Rooster!) didn't work in your car-seat, we ended up having to put you in and out of your costume over and over. Oh did I mention you don't like your car-seat right now? Hot mess.
You did great at the first house, Dad's co-worker and ok at the second which was my boss' home. But after driving clear across town and back to Aunt E's house you were totally over it. And understandably too. We spent a good 20 or so minutes there just letting you run around and play (you liked the cat and a stuffed spider Auntie had). But at 7:40p (10 mins after your regular bed time) you melted down and were totally done. We loaded you up once more and headed home.
The next day I let you enjoy your little bag of m&m's and you happily carried around a mini Almond Joy (where did that go anyway, ut oh!)
Needless to say next year we will be staying in our own neighborhood and letting people come to you! Next year you are going to get to enjoy it lots and lots like you should! Sorry about this year peanut! (Side note; for some reason I've been calling you peanut a lot lately.....even shortening it to Pea and you respond to me! Yikes, I should probably get better at calling you Liam!)
Much Love,
So, to say your Dad and I are newbies at this parenting stuff is putting it lightly. Sometimes it's glaringly obvious you are our first child. Like this Halloween, your second. We had the brilliant idea of dressing you up and parading you all over town to see people....we didn't think about the fact that your costume (a Rooster!) didn't work in your car-seat, we ended up having to put you in and out of your costume over and over. Oh did I mention you don't like your car-seat right now? Hot mess.
You did great at the first house, Dad's co-worker and ok at the second which was my boss' home. But after driving clear across town and back to Aunt E's house you were totally over it. And understandably too. We spent a good 20 or so minutes there just letting you run around and play (you liked the cat and a stuffed spider Auntie had). But at 7:40p (10 mins after your regular bed time) you melted down and were totally done. We loaded you up once more and headed home.
The next day I let you enjoy your little bag of m&m's and you happily carried around a mini Almond Joy (where did that go anyway, ut oh!)
Needless to say next year we will be staying in our own neighborhood and letting people come to you! Next year you are going to get to enjoy it lots and lots like you should! Sorry about this year peanut! (Side note; for some reason I've been calling you peanut a lot lately.....even shortening it to Pea and you respond to me! Yikes, I should probably get better at calling you Liam!)
Much Love,
Monday, October 29, 2012
Goodbye Morning Nap, Hello Molars
Sweet Liam,
Holy Smokes, it's true when they say your child(ren) grow up so fast! It feels like just yesterday you couldn't hold up your own head how you're a running fool!
A few weeks ago you started to transition out of your morning nap and like all other things so far we've let you take the lead on being ready or not. You were clearly ready, so we had Nanna encourage it a little. Within just two weeks you were fully transitioned, we had one little set back while you weren't feeling so great but now we are clear on the side of no return. And ya know what? I'm so happy! I know a lot of parents morn the loss of the morning nap because they fit in more "me" time or clean or whatnot and I certainly did use it as "me" time on Saturdays. BUT this whole single two hour nap in the middle of the day is delightful! We can leave the house for more than two hours at a time, why hello going to church! You are clearly happy with the change as well. It makes fitting a weekend workout in a little trickier for me but it's ok, I'd rather have the extra time with you anyway.
And in similar news you have a mouth full of teeth! Seriously! I had no idea this is how teething went! You started in March and it's been pretty much back to back teeth! Now you're getting molars! Molars! What?! You just don't seem old enough for this business! Poor little guy, man they tell you molars are a b---h and they are! I couldn't for the life of me figure out why you'd been so incredibly grumpy lately then I stuck my finger in your mouth, because that is what moms do....and hello THREE molars trying to come in (one had at least broken through the skin and two others are super puffy). Duh Jen! Gosh I felt like a bad mom, all you wanted was teething tablets!!! And you was a saint after I gave them to him. This whole parenting thing sure has a learning curve!
I love you so much and love watching you grow up!!
Holy Smokes, it's true when they say your child(ren) grow up so fast! It feels like just yesterday you couldn't hold up your own head how you're a running fool!
A few weeks ago you started to transition out of your morning nap and like all other things so far we've let you take the lead on being ready or not. You were clearly ready, so we had Nanna encourage it a little. Within just two weeks you were fully transitioned, we had one little set back while you weren't feeling so great but now we are clear on the side of no return. And ya know what? I'm so happy! I know a lot of parents morn the loss of the morning nap because they fit in more "me" time or clean or whatnot and I certainly did use it as "me" time on Saturdays. BUT this whole single two hour nap in the middle of the day is delightful! We can leave the house for more than two hours at a time, why hello going to church! You are clearly happy with the change as well. It makes fitting a weekend workout in a little trickier for me but it's ok, I'd rather have the extra time with you anyway.
And in similar news you have a mouth full of teeth! Seriously! I had no idea this is how teething went! You started in March and it's been pretty much back to back teeth! Now you're getting molars! Molars! What?! You just don't seem old enough for this business! Poor little guy, man they tell you molars are a b---h and they are! I couldn't for the life of me figure out why you'd been so incredibly grumpy lately then I stuck my finger in your mouth, because that is what moms do....and hello THREE molars trying to come in (one had at least broken through the skin and two others are super puffy). Duh Jen! Gosh I felt like a bad mom, all you wanted was teething tablets!!! And you was a saint after I gave them to him. This whole parenting thing sure has a learning curve!
I love you so much and love watching you grow up!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Baby's First Buzz Cut
My Sweet {Now Somewhat Bald} Liam,
I knew the day would come, although I didn't think it would be this soon, that your dad buzzed your hair. You got your first haircut a mere 5 months ago, your second 2 months ago....and you were already a shaggy mess. If we continued this trend we'd be spending around $100/year on haircuts (plus tips). We love Auntie Heather who cuts your hair however we're also saving to buy our first house.....
So Sunday after a great afternoon walk at the Fort and a short drive (to look at houses) Dadda suggested we attempt the first "home hair cut" with his clippers. Dadda has been doing his own hair this way for 20 years so I wasn't worried about his ability, only about your curls. You did SO well, I think you kind of enjoyed it really! We certainly choose the wrong setting because your hair is SO short! Some people say you look 5, I think you look like you enlisted in the military! (Which if you choose to do so when you are older that is fine.)
I hate to say this but I doubt we'll go back to Auntie Heather except maybe once a year, let's face it if you like home haircuts why not?
I love you sweet boy!
I knew the day would come, although I didn't think it would be this soon, that your dad buzzed your hair. You got your first haircut a mere 5 months ago, your second 2 months ago....and you were already a shaggy mess. If we continued this trend we'd be spending around $100/year on haircuts (plus tips). We love Auntie Heather who cuts your hair however we're also saving to buy our first house.....
So Sunday after a great afternoon walk at the Fort and a short drive (to look at houses) Dadda suggested we attempt the first "home hair cut" with his clippers. Dadda has been doing his own hair this way for 20 years so I wasn't worried about his ability, only about your curls. You did SO well, I think you kind of enjoyed it really! We certainly choose the wrong setting because your hair is SO short! Some people say you look 5, I think you look like you enlisted in the military! (Which if you choose to do so when you are older that is fine.)
I hate to say this but I doubt we'll go back to Auntie Heather except maybe once a year, let's face it if you like home haircuts why not?
I love you sweet boy!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Nine Teeth
My Sweet Liam,
You are becoming such a big boy! You recently said "doggie" perfectly, at your dinosaur walker toy! Ha! You walk very well, love to play on the slide and have a cuddly streak! Your favorite thing in the whole world is to be read to, you will go get a book and wiggle your way onto either my or Dadda's lap and repeat over and over again. It's ok I'll read to you as long as you want, even the same book five times!
Just the other day I was brushing your teeth and noticed two more are coming in! You are such a sweet boy we didn't even notice you were teething again! (or should that say, still?) I bet by Christmas you will have a full mouth of teeth! It's time for you to visit the dentist my friend, thank goodness you enjoy having your teeth brushed!
Thank you so much, being your mom is the best thing that has ever happened to me!
Love you,
You are becoming such a big boy! You recently said "doggie" perfectly, at your dinosaur walker toy! Ha! You walk very well, love to play on the slide and have a cuddly streak! Your favorite thing in the whole world is to be read to, you will go get a book and wiggle your way onto either my or Dadda's lap and repeat over and over again. It's ok I'll read to you as long as you want, even the same book five times!
Just the other day I was brushing your teeth and noticed two more are coming in! You are such a sweet boy we didn't even notice you were teething again! (or should that say, still?) I bet by Christmas you will have a full mouth of teeth! It's time for you to visit the dentist my friend, thank goodness you enjoy having your teeth brushed!
Thank you so much, being your mom is the best thing that has ever happened to me!
Love you,
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Slip Slide
Hello My Big Growing Boy!
I wanted to share another funny story with you. Nanna Annette gave us a slide, just a small plastic one we can keep outside for you. Last night you, me, Dadda and Aunt Kristen sat outside while you figured it out. IT took all of three minutes before you were climbing up, sitting at the top, making a loud "eeeeeee" and sliding down! It's currently your favorite thing!
I hope you always find this much joy in life.
I love you so very much and I always will.
I wanted to share another funny story with you. Nanna Annette gave us a slide, just a small plastic one we can keep outside for you. Last night you, me, Dadda and Aunt Kristen sat outside while you figured it out. IT took all of three minutes before you were climbing up, sitting at the top, making a loud "eeeeeee" and sliding down! It's currently your favorite thing!
I hope you always find this much joy in life.
I love you so very much and I always will.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Pretty Much a Toddler
Hi Sweet Boy,
Well, it's here. I'm pretty sure I have to consider you a toddler now. You can walk, not just a few steps but like 12 steps! You still fall but mostly because you can crawl much faster! Haha! You can navigate between pieces of furniture and when you really want to you can just gun it and make it to another room or across the room your in! And it's adorable, you are so proud of yourself but not nearly as proud as Dadda and I are! It's hard to believe that soon you will completely shed crawling and just walk/run!
You are growing up so quickly, I don't wish it would stop.....just slow down a little maybe. I have loved each and every stage, everyday you become more and more fun! I love having my "little buddy" at my side!
Thank you for....everything. For being such a easy, happy boy. For being so loving, kind and fun. For being a good sleeper, a good eater.... For being so funny and fun. For being our son, whom we love so dearly.
I love you to the moon and back,
Well, it's here. I'm pretty sure I have to consider you a toddler now. You can walk, not just a few steps but like 12 steps! You still fall but mostly because you can crawl much faster! Haha! You can navigate between pieces of furniture and when you really want to you can just gun it and make it to another room or across the room your in! And it's adorable, you are so proud of yourself but not nearly as proud as Dadda and I are! It's hard to believe that soon you will completely shed crawling and just walk/run!
You are growing up so quickly, I don't wish it would stop.....just slow down a little maybe. I have loved each and every stage, everyday you become more and more fun! I love having my "little buddy" at my side!
Thank you for....everything. For being such a easy, happy boy. For being so loving, kind and fun. For being a good sleeper, a good eater.... For being so funny and fun. For being our son, whom we love so dearly.
I love you to the moon and back,
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Things I Want to Remember
Hi My Sweet Growing Boy!
These stories are a bit late and a little random but I don't want to forget them! About two weeks ago you got a ear infection and Dr H gave us some amoxicilin for you to take (2 tablespoons per day, 1 in the am and 1 in the pm). One night we had just put you down, it was after several days of medicine so you were back on the road to health but this night I'd forgotten to give you it until after we had put you down. Since it had only been a few minutes I rushed to get the dose and went in your room, you were laying there on your back with your monkey on your tummy, feet crossed and up on the side of your crib just chatting away with your toy! I could hardly stop myself from laughing, you smiled at me so big, took your medicine and were just as happy to go back to chatting with your monkey as I closed your door! I want to rememnber this because it's just how you've been as a baby/toddler, always so happy go lucky. Most nights you chat with your toy for a few minutes before drifting off to sleep.
Then yesterday my boss let me leave early so I could get your haircut and surprise Dadda. (Dadda had been complaining your hair was long and out of control, it was true). I left work and picked you up at Nanna's and rushed to our hairlady. You didn't love your second haircut, you wanted nothing to do with sitting on my lap or having a cape on you. Luckily our hairlady has a little boy and knows how to get those haircuts done fast! After you were so happy and looked so much older! Immediately I wondered why I waited to cut your hair, you are so cute with or without curls! After that we drove to see my boss, she loves you so! She is always asking to see you, I think she may have left me off early just so I would bring you by! Then we went to surprise Dadda at work! On the way there you just started laughing at nothing! It was so funny I started laughing which made you laugh more! Both of us were cracking up almost the entire way to Dadda's work! Once we arrived at Dadda's work he was so excited to show you off to all his coworkers! You are the life of the party for sure! I just love that you are such a happy little guy who finds joy in the smallest of things!
You fill my life with happiness!
These stories are a bit late and a little random but I don't want to forget them! About two weeks ago you got a ear infection and Dr H gave us some amoxicilin for you to take (2 tablespoons per day, 1 in the am and 1 in the pm). One night we had just put you down, it was after several days of medicine so you were back on the road to health but this night I'd forgotten to give you it until after we had put you down. Since it had only been a few minutes I rushed to get the dose and went in your room, you were laying there on your back with your monkey on your tummy, feet crossed and up on the side of your crib just chatting away with your toy! I could hardly stop myself from laughing, you smiled at me so big, took your medicine and were just as happy to go back to chatting with your monkey as I closed your door! I want to rememnber this because it's just how you've been as a baby/toddler, always so happy go lucky. Most nights you chat with your toy for a few minutes before drifting off to sleep.
Then yesterday my boss let me leave early so I could get your haircut and surprise Dadda. (Dadda had been complaining your hair was long and out of control, it was true). I left work and picked you up at Nanna's and rushed to our hairlady. You didn't love your second haircut, you wanted nothing to do with sitting on my lap or having a cape on you. Luckily our hairlady has a little boy and knows how to get those haircuts done fast! After you were so happy and looked so much older! Immediately I wondered why I waited to cut your hair, you are so cute with or without curls! After that we drove to see my boss, she loves you so! She is always asking to see you, I think she may have left me off early just so I would bring you by! Then we went to surprise Dadda at work! On the way there you just started laughing at nothing! It was so funny I started laughing which made you laugh more! Both of us were cracking up almost the entire way to Dadda's work! Once we arrived at Dadda's work he was so excited to show you off to all his coworkers! You are the life of the party for sure! I just love that you are such a happy little guy who finds joy in the smallest of things!
You fill my life with happiness!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Ear Infection, Teeth Total=6 & Starting to Walk!
Hey Mr Liam,
This post is a bit late but I wanted to document it. On Aug 9 Nanna called me at work that you weren't yourself, you had slept from when I dropped you off until lunch and wouldn't eat. You had started to get a cold so I asked her to take your temp and I would call your doctor. Sure enough you were at 102. Your doctor's office confirmed that they would like to see you, especially because you were lethargic. I left work and picked you up from Nanna's, back at home we had over an hour until your appointment so we sat in the rocking chair in your room and just snuggled. Nanna was right, you weren't yourself, you are always on the go, not one to cuddle for an hour.
Before we knew it we were at the Dr H's office. You weighed in at 21.2lbs and 29 inches. Even the nurse commented that you weren't yourself. Dr H came in and examined you, sure enough....ear infection. These are common since you are teething with your top two teeth. He called us in a rx for amoxicilin, gave us a few pointers and said he'd see us at your next appointment.
Back at home you were still a sad little guy. You didn't sleep well that night either, I had to get up a couple times and rock you which means I took the next day off work to just care for you. The next day you almost looked grey, you even had little dark circles under your eyes, it was so sad.
That was almost two weeks ago, you have finished your medicine and are totally healthy again, Thank God! And two more teeth, on the bottom, are coming through! You are going to have a mouth full of teeth before we know it!
Not only all this but you are getting really good at taking steps! You will take about four in a row before you drop to your bottom and crawl. You can stand independently really well too. Dadda thinks it will be a week before you are walking, I'm not sure but you are so very close!
Everyday is so exciting, we love you so very much!
This post is a bit late but I wanted to document it. On Aug 9 Nanna called me at work that you weren't yourself, you had slept from when I dropped you off until lunch and wouldn't eat. You had started to get a cold so I asked her to take your temp and I would call your doctor. Sure enough you were at 102. Your doctor's office confirmed that they would like to see you, especially because you were lethargic. I left work and picked you up from Nanna's, back at home we had over an hour until your appointment so we sat in the rocking chair in your room and just snuggled. Nanna was right, you weren't yourself, you are always on the go, not one to cuddle for an hour.
Before we knew it we were at the Dr H's office. You weighed in at 21.2lbs and 29 inches. Even the nurse commented that you weren't yourself. Dr H came in and examined you, sure enough....ear infection. These are common since you are teething with your top two teeth. He called us in a rx for amoxicilin, gave us a few pointers and said he'd see us at your next appointment.
Back at home you were still a sad little guy. You didn't sleep well that night either, I had to get up a couple times and rock you which means I took the next day off work to just care for you. The next day you almost looked grey, you even had little dark circles under your eyes, it was so sad.
That was almost two weeks ago, you have finished your medicine and are totally healthy again, Thank God! And two more teeth, on the bottom, are coming through! You are going to have a mouth full of teeth before we know it!
Not only all this but you are getting really good at taking steps! You will take about four in a row before you drop to your bottom and crawl. You can stand independently really well too. Dadda thinks it will be a week before you are walking, I'm not sure but you are so very close!
Everyday is so exciting, we love you so very much!
Monday, August 13, 2012
14 Month Stats
Hello Sweet Liam,
Well unfortunately I had to take you to the doctor last week, you just weren't yourself. You wouldn't eat (that never happens) and were sleeping a ton, when Nanna called to say you were "a limp noodle who just wanted to cuddle" I called your doctor's office and they had me bring you in.
Nanna was right, we had an hour from when I left work to get you and your appointment and all you did was sit on my lap. We sat in your rocking chair in the cool and dark of you room and just snuggled, poor little guy I could tell you had a fever.
At Dr. H's office your temp was 102. Sad. Even Dr H's nurse sad "this is not Liam at all" as you had a continual dialog of a low whine. It was as if you were telling anyone who would listen "I don't feel good." She weighed you (21.2lbs) and measured you (29 inches). Then we waited for Dr. H.
I think you've begun to associate Dr H with shots (even though his nurses administer them) because you are never really excited to see him. Dr H examined you, in yoru right ear there was apparently too much wax so he pulled out a small purple plastic stick with a loop on the end. He assured me it wouldn't hurt you but feel very strange. I think you would disagree you cried and cried.....and peed through your diaper and all over me. No big deal, you weren't feeling well, it's only a shirt and it can be washed. Dr. H gave us a clean diaper, said you had a ear infection and prescribed amoxicilin two times a day for ten days. He even pointed out that one of your teeth is popped through and the other should be through by the end of the ten days, yay!
I took you home to snuggle, called Dadda to pick up some things from the grocery story and your meds. Today we are half way through and you are already doing great. (Last night I was laying in the recliner not feeling well and you were playing on the floor, you kept getting up and hugging my feet over and over, you are certainly my Sweet Liam.)
Last night you spent the night at Grandma's as I was pretty sick. I am sure you are having a great day, you love G'ma and G'pa and they love you lots!
Love you to the moon and back,
Well unfortunately I had to take you to the doctor last week, you just weren't yourself. You wouldn't eat (that never happens) and were sleeping a ton, when Nanna called to say you were "a limp noodle who just wanted to cuddle" I called your doctor's office and they had me bring you in.
Nanna was right, we had an hour from when I left work to get you and your appointment and all you did was sit on my lap. We sat in your rocking chair in the cool and dark of you room and just snuggled, poor little guy I could tell you had a fever.
At Dr. H's office your temp was 102. Sad. Even Dr H's nurse sad "this is not Liam at all" as you had a continual dialog of a low whine. It was as if you were telling anyone who would listen "I don't feel good." She weighed you (21.2lbs) and measured you (29 inches). Then we waited for Dr. H.
I think you've begun to associate Dr H with shots (even though his nurses administer them) because you are never really excited to see him. Dr H examined you, in yoru right ear there was apparently too much wax so he pulled out a small purple plastic stick with a loop on the end. He assured me it wouldn't hurt you but feel very strange. I think you would disagree you cried and cried.....and peed through your diaper and all over me. No big deal, you weren't feeling well, it's only a shirt and it can be washed. Dr. H gave us a clean diaper, said you had a ear infection and prescribed amoxicilin two times a day for ten days. He even pointed out that one of your teeth is popped through and the other should be through by the end of the ten days, yay!
I took you home to snuggle, called Dadda to pick up some things from the grocery story and your meds. Today we are half way through and you are already doing great. (Last night I was laying in the recliner not feeling well and you were playing on the floor, you kept getting up and hugging my feet over and over, you are certainly my Sweet Liam.)
Last night you spent the night at Grandma's as I was pretty sick. I am sure you are having a great day, you love G'ma and G'pa and they love you lots!
Love you to the moon and back,
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Not a Baby, Not yet a Toddler
Sweet Liam,
I miss calling you "Baby Liam". It's true you are no longer a baby, but you're not yet a toddler either. You're kinda in this funny stage, you love your independence but you are still a little clingy. Sometimes you will do anything to escape from someone holding you especially if there are toys, other children or any kind of water near (you looooove water)! Other times you want nothing more than your Momma, I can't leave the room with out wails and big tears coming from my little guy (even if I only leave for a second). Teething may be part of this strange stage you are in, I can't imagine what it feels like to be getting your top two front teeth at the same time, ouchy.
You're not a toddler yet because you still don't walk unassisted. This is fine by me, normal age for walking is 15-18 months, you have plenty of time. You've shown interest, you love to walk holding our fingers or with your dino toy. It has to be one of the funniest things to watch you walking as fast as you can behind that dino, you let our a little scream of joy, I can't help but laugh each time! It's walking solo that you have no interest in. I'm sure you will be that kiddo that figures it out in a blink of an eye and goes straight from taking steps to running! I look forward to those days but refuse to wish away the ones I'm currently given.
These days are short and fleeting, I do all I can to cherish each moment I have with you. One thing I especially cherish right now is the clingy moments. I might be a bit looney tunes, haha! Sure sometimes it's a bit frustrating when I just need to go pee and you start to wail but I always remind myself that these moments won't last. It's actually kinda sweet that you just want that much of my time and attention. I honestly don't mind. When you get really worked up or frustrated I've learned that you love nothing more than for me to scoop you up, go in your room and sit with you in the rocker and read you a book or two (especially if it's a texture book!). You sit quietly while I read you whatever I have on hand (Little Quack is my favorite, you seem to have no preference). These brief moments, whether in the morning before work or in the evening after dinner, are so precious to me, so much more precious than you will ever know. If only I could bottle them up and save them for the day you are a pre-teen and ask me to drop you off three blocks from school......
I love you Liam!
I miss calling you "Baby Liam". It's true you are no longer a baby, but you're not yet a toddler either. You're kinda in this funny stage, you love your independence but you are still a little clingy. Sometimes you will do anything to escape from someone holding you especially if there are toys, other children or any kind of water near (you looooove water)! Other times you want nothing more than your Momma, I can't leave the room with out wails and big tears coming from my little guy (even if I only leave for a second). Teething may be part of this strange stage you are in, I can't imagine what it feels like to be getting your top two front teeth at the same time, ouchy.
You're not a toddler yet because you still don't walk unassisted. This is fine by me, normal age for walking is 15-18 months, you have plenty of time. You've shown interest, you love to walk holding our fingers or with your dino toy. It has to be one of the funniest things to watch you walking as fast as you can behind that dino, you let our a little scream of joy, I can't help but laugh each time! It's walking solo that you have no interest in. I'm sure you will be that kiddo that figures it out in a blink of an eye and goes straight from taking steps to running! I look forward to those days but refuse to wish away the ones I'm currently given.
These days are short and fleeting, I do all I can to cherish each moment I have with you. One thing I especially cherish right now is the clingy moments. I might be a bit looney tunes, haha! Sure sometimes it's a bit frustrating when I just need to go pee and you start to wail but I always remind myself that these moments won't last. It's actually kinda sweet that you just want that much of my time and attention. I honestly don't mind. When you get really worked up or frustrated I've learned that you love nothing more than for me to scoop you up, go in your room and sit with you in the rocker and read you a book or two (especially if it's a texture book!). You sit quietly while I read you whatever I have on hand (Little Quack is my favorite, you seem to have no preference). These brief moments, whether in the morning before work or in the evening after dinner, are so precious to me, so much more precious than you will ever know. If only I could bottle them up and save them for the day you are a pre-teen and ask me to drop you off three blocks from school......
I love you Liam!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Our Little Secret
Sweet Liam,
Now that you are fully weaned of bottles we give you a sippy during bedtime routine. Usually it's whatever you haven't finished from dinner or your most recent snack. You sit on my lap and drink while Dadda reads to us a story or two from your children's bible. Recently you discovered that I'll sit there longer if you are still drinking, I'll even wait until you've finished all you have. You take full advantage of this. Dadda kisses you after he's done reading and I sit there with you until you finish drinking, you lean against my chest and we listen to your noise machine together. You think you're pretty sly.
What you don't know is that I've caught on to you...something else you don't know is that sometimes I put extra in your sippy so I can enjoy those prolonged snuggles.
It can be our little secret.
Now that you are fully weaned of bottles we give you a sippy during bedtime routine. Usually it's whatever you haven't finished from dinner or your most recent snack. You sit on my lap and drink while Dadda reads to us a story or two from your children's bible. Recently you discovered that I'll sit there longer if you are still drinking, I'll even wait until you've finished all you have. You take full advantage of this. Dadda kisses you after he's done reading and I sit there with you until you finish drinking, you lean against my chest and we listen to your noise machine together. You think you're pretty sly.
What you don't know is that I've caught on to you...something else you don't know is that sometimes I put extra in your sippy so I can enjoy those prolonged snuggles.
It can be our little secret.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Double the Teeth!
Sweet Liam,
Last weekend we spent Saturday at Holland Lake, you had gone up Friday morning with G'ma to spend some time with extended family while Dadda and I worked then went on a date. You loved the lake, we played in the rocks and water near the shore, we hiked to the falls (I wore you in a framed pack there and back), we snacked and all laughed, it was a wonderful time!
Saturday afternoon after our hike you napped, when you woke up we were snacking and Dadda noticed something new in your mouth...two new things actually! You have two new teeth coming in! You have the two middle bottom teeth already, you got those in March, so now you will have four teeth! You are such a happy guy we didn't even know you were teething! In fact you are still pretty happy but I think the pain has gotten to you a little the last few days, it's made you a little grumpy and clingy but we understand!
You are becoming such a big boy; you stand all by yourself with no support and walk (er, run) very well with your dino walker/toy. You love to walk around holding our fingers, you shout with joy "eeeeeeee!" You like to put cups inside of one another by size and dump them out. You love all food and eat anything we make you, except green beans. You love going places and being outside, we've taken many Saturday morning walks to the farmer's market and you so enjoy seeing all the people and just chillin' together.
You are happy and fill our lives with joy!
I love you more than I can ever express-
Last weekend we spent Saturday at Holland Lake, you had gone up Friday morning with G'ma to spend some time with extended family while Dadda and I worked then went on a date. You loved the lake, we played in the rocks and water near the shore, we hiked to the falls (I wore you in a framed pack there and back), we snacked and all laughed, it was a wonderful time!
Saturday afternoon after our hike you napped, when you woke up we were snacking and Dadda noticed something new in your mouth...two new things actually! You have two new teeth coming in! You have the two middle bottom teeth already, you got those in March, so now you will have four teeth! You are such a happy guy we didn't even know you were teething! In fact you are still pretty happy but I think the pain has gotten to you a little the last few days, it's made you a little grumpy and clingy but we understand!
You are becoming such a big boy; you stand all by yourself with no support and walk (er, run) very well with your dino walker/toy. You love to walk around holding our fingers, you shout with joy "eeeeeeee!" You like to put cups inside of one another by size and dump them out. You love all food and eat anything we make you, except green beans. You love going places and being outside, we've taken many Saturday morning walks to the farmer's market and you so enjoy seeing all the people and just chillin' together.
You are happy and fill our lives with joy!
I love you more than I can ever express-
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Parent First, Friend Second
Dearest Liam,
I need to get better at writting to you here. It's just that we have been enjoying summer so much, sometimes I forget to document it!
I want you to have fond memories of your childhood, I hope you look back on it and smile because I always played with you no matter what. Even in the morning when I'm in my nice work clothes I get on the floor with you and enjoy whatever you are doing. We wrestle, tickle, play blocks or cars, sometimes enjoy a book, whatever you would like in the few moments we get (before or after work). I hope you never hope your childhood was any different than it was, I have loved you deeply every moment I've been given. I cherish it all, even when you are grumpy! :)
My primary responsibility is to be your parent first. I will discipline you, I will ground you, and at some point you will make choices that make me sad or disappoint me but I will always love you. I will always be here for you, listen to you and support you. I will speak the truth to you as sternly or delicately as I see fit for each situation. I will make mistakes and disappoint you at some point, I hope I will have taught you enough grace to forgive me and continue to love me. I hope someday we enjoy many hobbies together and at some point (maybe not until you are an adult) I hope you consider me your friend.
Love you to the moon and back,
I need to get better at writting to you here. It's just that we have been enjoying summer so much, sometimes I forget to document it!
I want you to have fond memories of your childhood, I hope you look back on it and smile because I always played with you no matter what. Even in the morning when I'm in my nice work clothes I get on the floor with you and enjoy whatever you are doing. We wrestle, tickle, play blocks or cars, sometimes enjoy a book, whatever you would like in the few moments we get (before or after work). I hope you never hope your childhood was any different than it was, I have loved you deeply every moment I've been given. I cherish it all, even when you are grumpy! :)
My primary responsibility is to be your parent first. I will discipline you, I will ground you, and at some point you will make choices that make me sad or disappoint me but I will always love you. I will always be here for you, listen to you and support you. I will speak the truth to you as sternly or delicately as I see fit for each situation. I will make mistakes and disappoint you at some point, I hope I will have taught you enough grace to forgive me and continue to love me. I hope someday we enjoy many hobbies together and at some point (maybe not until you are an adult) I hope you consider me your friend.
Love you to the moon and back,
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
1st Cabin Trip of 2012
Dearest Liam,
You have just experienced your first vacation and I think you are addicted! Your Dadda and I took the week of the 4th of July off of work and headed to the family cabin with you. I hope you grow to love the cabin the same way your Dad does, he has fond childhood memories of it that he cherishes.
Dadda headed up there the night of 6/30 but you and I stayed behind to head up in the morning (as to avoid any Liam meltdowns in the car, you are a good baby in the car but who wants to risk it at 7pm?). Sunday morning I had the car pre-loaded so you and I headed up around 8am (since you usually nap around 9am). You could tell we were on an adventure, you looked around excited and happy for about 20 minutes then it was nap time! It only takes an hour to get to the cabin from our home and you woke up just before we turned off the highway, we happily made it there minus a Liam meltdown, score one for Momma!
The week was filled with relaxation. We woke when you woke, I napped when you napped (Dadda fished on the lake). We ate easy meals mostly prepared on the grill. It was glorious. One of my favorite things about the cabin is the lack of phone, cable or internet. I brought my runner's magazine and kindle to read and we watched disney dvds we brought (you have no interest in tv 99% of the time so it was mostly dad and I that watched those movies after you went to bed).
On Tuesday we took a afternoon hike to Morrell Falls, I wore you in our framed pack on the way up and Dadda wore you on the way out. (This would be the only workout I got the week before my first half marathon, to say I was nervous was an understatement.) After our hike we all enjoyed a ice cream treat at the little shop in town.
Wednesday was the 4th of July so G'ma and G'pa came up and we went into town to watch your first parade! You were in heaven, you carefully observed all the people (especially children) and each "float" that went by! You even enjoyed a ice cream cone with G'pa!
Thursday G'ma & G'pa wanted some Liam time so Dadda and I went up to Glacier National Park for the day. It's been a hobby of your Dadda and I to visit national parks when possible (we've been to three or hour together now). You went home with the grandparents that night and enjoyed a sleep over! After a long day in the park your Dadda and I went back to the cabin, packed up and returned home to pick you up in the morning.
That Sunday I would do my first half marathon, you and Dadda met me once on the route and at the finish line and I cried my eyes out. I hope someday you will love to hike and run with me my sweet boy!
Always your momma,
You have just experienced your first vacation and I think you are addicted! Your Dadda and I took the week of the 4th of July off of work and headed to the family cabin with you. I hope you grow to love the cabin the same way your Dad does, he has fond childhood memories of it that he cherishes.
Dadda headed up there the night of 6/30 but you and I stayed behind to head up in the morning (as to avoid any Liam meltdowns in the car, you are a good baby in the car but who wants to risk it at 7pm?). Sunday morning I had the car pre-loaded so you and I headed up around 8am (since you usually nap around 9am). You could tell we were on an adventure, you looked around excited and happy for about 20 minutes then it was nap time! It only takes an hour to get to the cabin from our home and you woke up just before we turned off the highway, we happily made it there minus a Liam meltdown, score one for Momma!
The week was filled with relaxation. We woke when you woke, I napped when you napped (Dadda fished on the lake). We ate easy meals mostly prepared on the grill. It was glorious. One of my favorite things about the cabin is the lack of phone, cable or internet. I brought my runner's magazine and kindle to read and we watched disney dvds we brought (you have no interest in tv 99% of the time so it was mostly dad and I that watched those movies after you went to bed).
On Tuesday we took a afternoon hike to Morrell Falls, I wore you in our framed pack on the way up and Dadda wore you on the way out. (This would be the only workout I got the week before my first half marathon, to say I was nervous was an understatement.) After our hike we all enjoyed a ice cream treat at the little shop in town.
Wednesday was the 4th of July so G'ma and G'pa came up and we went into town to watch your first parade! You were in heaven, you carefully observed all the people (especially children) and each "float" that went by! You even enjoyed a ice cream cone with G'pa!
Thursday G'ma & G'pa wanted some Liam time so Dadda and I went up to Glacier National Park for the day. It's been a hobby of your Dadda and I to visit national parks when possible (we've been to three or hour together now). You went home with the grandparents that night and enjoyed a sleep over! After a long day in the park your Dadda and I went back to the cabin, packed up and returned home to pick you up in the morning.
That Sunday I would do my first half marathon, you and Dadda met me once on the route and at the finish line and I cried my eyes out. I hope someday you will love to hike and run with me my sweet boy!
Always your momma,
Your First Birthday Party
Yikes, how have I forgotten to write about this! Life has been so busy that it totally slipped by.
On June 23rd family and friends gathered at G'ma & G'pa's house to celebrate you. It was a warm, sunny day. We put out chairs and games for people to mingle. Aunt Emily baked several treats, we had fruit and drinks. We put up blue and green ballons as well as a big one with some red balloons, we had fun plates and table clothes with "First Birthday" on them. It was a warm and sunny day so we put out some games for people to play and chairs for other to sit and enjoy the day.
The day couldn't have gone better, it was low-key but so very fun, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. You don't love to be sang too but you actually enjoyed a few bites of homemade vanilla cake (you ate mostly fruit in true Liam fashion). We opened the gifts from family and friends, perhaps your favorite part because cousin Karmyn helped! She is three years older than you and loves you so much!
It's hard to believe you are one, I look at you and I'm just amazed by how much you've grown! I love you so much! -Momma
On June 23rd family and friends gathered at G'ma & G'pa's house to celebrate you. It was a warm, sunny day. We put out chairs and games for people to mingle. Aunt Emily baked several treats, we had fruit and drinks. We put up blue and green ballons as well as a big one with some red balloons, we had fun plates and table clothes with "First Birthday" on them. It was a warm and sunny day so we put out some games for people to play and chairs for other to sit and enjoy the day.
The day couldn't have gone better, it was low-key but so very fun, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. You don't love to be sang too but you actually enjoyed a few bites of homemade vanilla cake (you ate mostly fruit in true Liam fashion). We opened the gifts from family and friends, perhaps your favorite part because cousin Karmyn helped! She is three years older than you and loves you so much!
It's hard to believe you are one, I look at you and I'm just amazed by how much you've grown! I love you so much! -Momma
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
1 Year Stats
Yesterday you and I went to your One Year appointment with your doctor. I left work, picked you up at Nanna's and we made it to the doctor's office just in time, whew! We happily waited, you sat on my lap watching a little 9 month old girl named Dalaney. I sensed some jealousy when I talked to her, mostly because you reached up with both hands and pulled on the necklace I was wearing, lol!
We only waited a few minutes before we were called back. You weighed in at 21.5 lbs (50th percentile), height of 29 inches (50th percentile) and your head....well I sorta forget exactly what your measurement was (you were wiggling a lot and we had to measure you three times!) but I know you are still in the 75th percentile! We chatted with the nurse as she asked milestone questions (using pincher fingers, knows a few words, stands on his own, etc.) You are right on track with all your milestones, you are a perfectly normal one year old just as I knew all a long! The nurse reminded me of the vaccinations you would receive (MMR, Chicken Pox & Hep A)....I dread these shots, it's no fun seeing your baby get poked! You are on the standard vaccination schedule (just in case you care in the future).
Again we waited just a short while before your doctor came in. He is a nice man, in my age range and of Asian decent. You aren't sure of him just yet but who would be, you get poked almost every time you see him! lol! He also went through a series of questions, asked if you are meeting your milestones. I also asked a few questions, I wanted to make sure you are getting enough fluid (I'm a freak about hydration), asked him about your dry skin (you need some lotion). All in all it was nothing mind blowing. He checked your eyes, tummy, legs etc etc. Again you are a perfectly normal, healthy one year old little boy. The only thing your doctor did point out is that he would like us to start weaning you from the bottle. You only get one or two a day (the rest is sippy cups) and again it's because I'm a freak about hydration! (You don't really even love the bottle so it's gonna be super easy).
Then the nurse came back, oh you poor guy! Three shots, chicken pox in the left and the other two in the right. Side note when you get really upset you hold your breath and almost pass out-you've been reeeaaallly close to passing out twice.....yeah you did that in front of the nurses. At least they reassured me I'm doing the right thing by blowing gently on your face so you don't pass out. Whew. A moment later you were fine, I dressed you and we were on our way!
We stopped at the grocery store to get a missing item for dinner and headed home. Before we knew it Dadda was home, we all ate dinner (actually you were starving so I fed you a quick dinner and we ate ours when dadda got home). We played, gave you a bath and before we knew it bedtime was upon us. You slept well just like you always do and were happy-go-lucky by morning.
I love you sweet Liam, you are by far the best thing that has ever happened to me. I promise to always love you, always support you, to give you tough love when you need it and know when you just need a hug. I promise I will always do whatever I can to be the best mom I can be to you.
Love you, more than you will ever know
We only waited a few minutes before we were called back. You weighed in at 21.5 lbs (50th percentile), height of 29 inches (50th percentile) and your head....well I sorta forget exactly what your measurement was (you were wiggling a lot and we had to measure you three times!) but I know you are still in the 75th percentile! We chatted with the nurse as she asked milestone questions (using pincher fingers, knows a few words, stands on his own, etc.) You are right on track with all your milestones, you are a perfectly normal one year old just as I knew all a long! The nurse reminded me of the vaccinations you would receive (MMR, Chicken Pox & Hep A)....I dread these shots, it's no fun seeing your baby get poked! You are on the standard vaccination schedule (just in case you care in the future).
Again we waited just a short while before your doctor came in. He is a nice man, in my age range and of Asian decent. You aren't sure of him just yet but who would be, you get poked almost every time you see him! lol! He also went through a series of questions, asked if you are meeting your milestones. I also asked a few questions, I wanted to make sure you are getting enough fluid (I'm a freak about hydration), asked him about your dry skin (you need some lotion). All in all it was nothing mind blowing. He checked your eyes, tummy, legs etc etc. Again you are a perfectly normal, healthy one year old little boy. The only thing your doctor did point out is that he would like us to start weaning you from the bottle. You only get one or two a day (the rest is sippy cups) and again it's because I'm a freak about hydration! (You don't really even love the bottle so it's gonna be super easy).
Then the nurse came back, oh you poor guy! Three shots, chicken pox in the left and the other two in the right. Side note when you get really upset you hold your breath and almost pass out-you've been reeeaaallly close to passing out twice.....yeah you did that in front of the nurses. At least they reassured me I'm doing the right thing by blowing gently on your face so you don't pass out. Whew. A moment later you were fine, I dressed you and we were on our way!
We stopped at the grocery store to get a missing item for dinner and headed home. Before we knew it Dadda was home, we all ate dinner (actually you were starving so I fed you a quick dinner and we ate ours when dadda got home). We played, gave you a bath and before we knew it bedtime was upon us. You slept well just like you always do and were happy-go-lucky by morning.
I love you sweet Liam, you are by far the best thing that has ever happened to me. I promise to always love you, always support you, to give you tough love when you need it and know when you just need a hug. I promise I will always do whatever I can to be the best mom I can be to you.
Love you, more than you will ever know
Saturday, June 16, 2012
You hate cake
Sweet Liam,
Momma did not make a typo. On Thursday evening we gathered with your G'ma, G'pa, Auntie, Uncle and GG Turkey to celebrate your First Birthday! We waited too long to eat (Dadda was late getting off work) so you were a little grumpy during our song to you. I thought for sure you would love your cupcake....nope! You sip every bite out, even the frosting! You cried a little and ended up with cupcake and frosting all over yourself and the floor. I even had to give you a fast bath! You perked right up for presents, you got a bunch of new blocks and a little pool from the family, yay!!
Hopefully you like cake again by your birthday party next weekend! (It's ok if you don't!)
Much Love,
Momma did not make a typo. On Thursday evening we gathered with your G'ma, G'pa, Auntie, Uncle and GG Turkey to celebrate your First Birthday! We waited too long to eat (Dadda was late getting off work) so you were a little grumpy during our song to you. I thought for sure you would love your cupcake....nope! You sip every bite out, even the frosting! You cried a little and ended up with cupcake and frosting all over yourself and the floor. I even had to give you a fast bath! You perked right up for presents, you got a bunch of new blocks and a little pool from the family, yay!!
Hopefully you like cake again by your birthday party next weekend! (It's ok if you don't!)
Much Love,
Liam's interests,
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Today You Turned ONE!
This morning at 9:56 am to be exact. I can hardly believe it! You are by far the sweetest, funniest, happiest child I have ever known! You have brought more joy to my life than I could have ever imagined, you are the light of my life and I cherish each moment with you!
Your Dadda and I went in and sang "Happy Birthday" to you as you woke up this morning, which you thought was great! I made you pancakes with apple butter and cut up blueberries and green grapes (your favorite breakfast), you gobbled that down in a heart beat! Everyone welcomed you with "Happy Birthdays", smiles and hugs at Nanna Annette's too! You probably think you are the king today and that is a-okay!
Tonight we'll head out to Grandma & Grandpa's house and have dinner with them and your Aunt and Uncle (and possibly Great Grandma Turkey). After dinner, which I'm going to let you have pizza YUM! You will get your first real treat, a cupcake! I'm not sure how I think you will react but I'm sure I'll always rememeber it! You are so special, you are the most amazing gift and a special blessing!!!
Happy First Birthday Liam!
I love you,
Your Dadda and I went in and sang "Happy Birthday" to you as you woke up this morning, which you thought was great! I made you pancakes with apple butter and cut up blueberries and green grapes (your favorite breakfast), you gobbled that down in a heart beat! Everyone welcomed you with "Happy Birthdays", smiles and hugs at Nanna Annette's too! You probably think you are the king today and that is a-okay!
Tonight we'll head out to Grandma & Grandpa's house and have dinner with them and your Aunt and Uncle (and possibly Great Grandma Turkey). After dinner, which I'm going to let you have pizza YUM! You will get your first real treat, a cupcake! I'm not sure how I think you will react but I'm sure I'll always rememeber it! You are so special, you are the most amazing gift and a special blessing!!!
Happy First Birthday Liam!
I love you,
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Pulling On My Heart Strings
Sweet Little Liam,
Where, oh where, has time gone my love? In just two short weeks you will be ONE year old! You captured my heart the first time I knew you existed (Oct 3, 2010), seeing your heart beat for the first time on November 1, 2010, finding out you were a boy on December 14th, 2010....I loved each and every moment of my pregnancy, I was determined to enjoy each second I got with you and I did! I happily waddled around rubbing my belly and giggling each time you kicked! Then on June 13th I naturally went into labor, the next day (June 14th 2012, your due date) you came into the world and it has never been the same since! You are my world, my joy, my sunshine, my pride and joy!
Watching you achieve each of your milestones has been the greatest joy of my life. Each time you smile or say "mama, ma ma" my heart melts. Snuggles are rare these days but I cherish them, especially at nap time on the weekends. You have become my best little buddy, you follow me around (via crawling) in the mornings while the three of us get ready, you are always grinning from ear to ear! Unless I pick you up, then you don't want to be put down. I could play on the floor with you for days, watching you push your trucks and make silly sounds fills my soul with laughter. Recently you started pulling up on things, if I turn my back or blink you will be found across the room standing and holding on to something bravely with one hand and grinning from ear to ear!
You may wonder if I'm making much of this up or only writing about the happy things but the truth is you are a very easy baby. You started sleeping through the night on your own (at about 5 months) and only had some trouble while teething. When I couldn't breastfeed you anymore you took a bottle of formula just fine. You loved solids and still will eat anything we give you without complaint. Just last night we offered you your first sippy of whole milk (you drink water from the sippy like a pro)....no problem, you loved it! You are the happiest person I know, you make me a happier person.
I love you more than I will ever be able to explain, I hope you always know that!
Where, oh where, has time gone my love? In just two short weeks you will be ONE year old! You captured my heart the first time I knew you existed (Oct 3, 2010), seeing your heart beat for the first time on November 1, 2010, finding out you were a boy on December 14th, 2010....I loved each and every moment of my pregnancy, I was determined to enjoy each second I got with you and I did! I happily waddled around rubbing my belly and giggling each time you kicked! Then on June 13th I naturally went into labor, the next day (June 14th 2012, your due date) you came into the world and it has never been the same since! You are my world, my joy, my sunshine, my pride and joy!
Watching you achieve each of your milestones has been the greatest joy of my life. Each time you smile or say "mama, ma ma" my heart melts. Snuggles are rare these days but I cherish them, especially at nap time on the weekends. You have become my best little buddy, you follow me around (via crawling) in the mornings while the three of us get ready, you are always grinning from ear to ear! Unless I pick you up, then you don't want to be put down. I could play on the floor with you for days, watching you push your trucks and make silly sounds fills my soul with laughter. Recently you started pulling up on things, if I turn my back or blink you will be found across the room standing and holding on to something bravely with one hand and grinning from ear to ear!
You may wonder if I'm making much of this up or only writing about the happy things but the truth is you are a very easy baby. You started sleeping through the night on your own (at about 5 months) and only had some trouble while teething. When I couldn't breastfeed you anymore you took a bottle of formula just fine. You loved solids and still will eat anything we give you without complaint. Just last night we offered you your first sippy of whole milk (you drink water from the sippy like a pro)....no problem, you loved it! You are the happiest person I know, you make me a happier person.
I love you more than I will ever be able to explain, I hope you always know that!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Our First Hike of 2012
Sweet Liam,
The weather is finally starting to warm up here in our little piece of Montana and we are so ready to take you out to enjoy this place we call home! You have loved being outside from the moment we brought you home! Even in the dead of winter we could stand at the window with you and you would just stare at the falling snow, trees, everything! During the fall and early spring we bundled you up extra and would take you on short walks, you enjoy every minute!
Now that the temps have gotten up into the 70s and 80s your Dadda and I have been taking you on lots of walks and this last weekend we even pulled out the framed pack for you! We drove up to a little path on the edge of town, it's nice and flat and only a two mile loop so a easy walk/hike. We arrived, Dadda put you in the framed carrier (which means he wore you) with some sunscreen, a hat and a little toy (I carried water for us) and off we went! At first you were so excited you just giggled and squealed, it was so sweet! Each time a stranger went by you would reach out and squeal with joy, the strangers always laughed! For a little while you wanted to hold my hand which was fine by me! For awhile the path went along a stream and eventually the river, you loved looking at the water! After about a mile you were exhausted and fell asleep! It was so cute, your little head titled to the side, you even snored a little!
These are the moments that I live for!
I love you-
The weather is finally starting to warm up here in our little piece of Montana and we are so ready to take you out to enjoy this place we call home! You have loved being outside from the moment we brought you home! Even in the dead of winter we could stand at the window with you and you would just stare at the falling snow, trees, everything! During the fall and early spring we bundled you up extra and would take you on short walks, you enjoy every minute!
Now that the temps have gotten up into the 70s and 80s your Dadda and I have been taking you on lots of walks and this last weekend we even pulled out the framed pack for you! We drove up to a little path on the edge of town, it's nice and flat and only a two mile loop so a easy walk/hike. We arrived, Dadda put you in the framed carrier (which means he wore you) with some sunscreen, a hat and a little toy (I carried water for us) and off we went! At first you were so excited you just giggled and squealed, it was so sweet! Each time a stranger went by you would reach out and squeal with joy, the strangers always laughed! For a little while you wanted to hold my hand which was fine by me! For awhile the path went along a stream and eventually the river, you loved looking at the water! After about a mile you were exhausted and fell asleep! It was so cute, your little head titled to the side, you even snored a little!
![]() |
McClay Flats (image from Google Images) |
These are the moments that I live for!
I love you-
Liam's interests,
As You Grow, I Grow Too
Hello My Sweet Boy,
I've thought a lot lately about your early days, you were so little, you slept often, you were (and are) a easy baby. Part of me misses those early days full of cuddles and learning, but the vast majority of me loves where we are now and what the future holds! You are growing so quickly! Right around 10 months you suddenly needed 12 month clothing (up until this point you wore 3mo clothing at 3 mo, 6 mo clothing at 6mo etc). You just sprouted over night! You follow me everywhere and I love it. I'll go into your Daddy and my bedroom for something and you are right behind me with the biggest smile on your face! You're my little buddy!
You love food and have slowly weaned yourself from the bottle almost 100%! Just this week you have started to whine when I drop you off at Nanna's for the day, it breaks my heart (yesterday you full on cried) but I know it's just a phase and that you love Nanna. You are good at pulling yourself up and will wave if you feel like it. Your communication is improving too, you say "nun" when you don't like something or don't want to do something....typically it's have your diaper changed. Also your very curly hair has gotten so long that you need your first hair cut which I've scheduled for three days from now, the day before we do your One Year Pics/Family Pics.
The milestones seems to be speeding towards us, I wouldn't have it any other way because they mean you are healthy and developing at the expected pace. I love each phase of this whole crazy ride, I will always cherish each memory we make (I need to write about the walk/hike we took last weekend!) and I will look forward to each and every day with you, my miracle baby!
I've thought a lot lately about your early days, you were so little, you slept often, you were (and are) a easy baby. Part of me misses those early days full of cuddles and learning, but the vast majority of me loves where we are now and what the future holds! You are growing so quickly! Right around 10 months you suddenly needed 12 month clothing (up until this point you wore 3mo clothing at 3 mo, 6 mo clothing at 6mo etc). You just sprouted over night! You follow me everywhere and I love it. I'll go into your Daddy and my bedroom for something and you are right behind me with the biggest smile on your face! You're my little buddy!
You love food and have slowly weaned yourself from the bottle almost 100%! Just this week you have started to whine when I drop you off at Nanna's for the day, it breaks my heart (yesterday you full on cried) but I know it's just a phase and that you love Nanna. You are good at pulling yourself up and will wave if you feel like it. Your communication is improving too, you say "nun" when you don't like something or don't want to do something....typically it's have your diaper changed. Also your very curly hair has gotten so long that you need your first hair cut which I've scheduled for three days from now, the day before we do your One Year Pics/Family Pics.
The milestones seems to be speeding towards us, I wouldn't have it any other way because they mean you are healthy and developing at the expected pace. I love each phase of this whole crazy ride, I will always cherish each memory we make (I need to write about the walk/hike we took last weekend!) and I will look forward to each and every day with you, my miracle baby!
Liam's interests,
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Funny Things May 2012
Sweet Liam,
I want to write these down before I forget them! You do some of the funniest things! You recently returned to sleeping all the way through the night (yay!!) however sometimes you aren't ready to go to bed when we put you down, so what do you do? You crawl in circles in your crib and laugh! Silly boy!!!
You are my heart's joy-
I want to write these down before I forget them! You do some of the funniest things! You recently returned to sleeping all the way through the night (yay!!) however sometimes you aren't ready to go to bed when we put you down, so what do you do? You crawl in circles in your crib and laugh! Silly boy!!!
You are my heart's joy-
Mr Independant is Dependant!
Hey Sweet Boy!
Well you are a crawling machine now, you were a pro from the moment you started but now it's second nature! You love following me around as I get ready for work each morning and crawling to be when I pick you up from Nanna's each day. You currently have the tiniest cold (the only other one you've had was the first week of March when you got 2 teeth!)....and it's making you a bit clingy. It's kinda funny because all you want is to crawl around and enjoy your freedom but at the same time you want to be held by Momma! I don't mind. You will only be little once and the days are rushing by us! In one month and 4 days you will be a year old, how did that happen? I'm afraid I'll blink and he at your college graduation (have I mentioned college is non-negotiable? We'll discuss that later).
I love you, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me-
Well you are a crawling machine now, you were a pro from the moment you started but now it's second nature! You love following me around as I get ready for work each morning and crawling to be when I pick you up from Nanna's each day. You currently have the tiniest cold (the only other one you've had was the first week of March when you got 2 teeth!)....and it's making you a bit clingy. It's kinda funny because all you want is to crawl around and enjoy your freedom but at the same time you want to be held by Momma! I don't mind. You will only be little once and the days are rushing by us! In one month and 4 days you will be a year old, how did that happen? I'm afraid I'll blink and he at your college graduation (have I mentioned college is non-negotiable? We'll discuss that later).
I love you, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me-
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Oddles of Noddles
Hello My Cute Boy,
You are becoming such a big boy! You love to feed yourself any chance you get! Most babies are at least a little picky about what they will eat, you? Nope! I'll make you a little turkey burger meatball, some wacky mac and cut up veggies (carrots, green beans, peas and corn) and just put in on your tray and you go to town feeding yourself! You especially love Wacky Mac!
I can't believe how fast you are growing!
You are becoming such a big boy! You love to feed yourself any chance you get! Most babies are at least a little picky about what they will eat, you? Nope! I'll make you a little turkey burger meatball, some wacky mac and cut up veggies (carrots, green beans, peas and corn) and just put in on your tray and you go to town feeding yourself! You especially love Wacky Mac!
I can't believe how fast you are growing!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Hi Sweet Boy,
You gave me the most incredible birthday present, you are crawling....in fact you are a expert crawler! Over night you went from being unsure to going from room to room! Woah! You are so cute, you will get your eye on a toy and your face lights up! You want that toy and you know you can get it!
You fill my life with joy! Unspeakable joy!
I love you!!!
You gave me the most incredible birthday present, you are crawling....in fact you are a expert crawler! Over night you went from being unsure to going from room to room! Woah! You are so cute, you will get your eye on a toy and your face lights up! You want that toy and you know you can get it!
You fill my life with joy! Unspeakable joy!
I love you!!!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Your First Easter
Hey My Sweet Boy!
First I must apologize for being sick on your first Easter, I tried my hardest to kick this cold but I lost. Thursday night you slept over at G'ma & G'pa's while I slept for a good day and a half. Friday afternoon your Dadda picked you up, we had a nice dinner together and skipped the Easter Egg Hunt. Sunday we spent the day together as a family, picked up some new pants for you because you are growing so quickly! Sunday we went to church then out to G'ma & G'pa's to eat and hang out. You received a few toys from the Easter Bunny and played yourself to exhaustion. All in all I would say your first Easter was a success.
Love you more than you'll ever know,
First I must apologize for being sick on your first Easter, I tried my hardest to kick this cold but I lost. Thursday night you slept over at G'ma & G'pa's while I slept for a good day and a half. Friday afternoon your Dadda picked you up, we had a nice dinner together and skipped the Easter Egg Hunt. Sunday we spent the day together as a family, picked up some new pants for you because you are growing so quickly! Sunday we went to church then out to G'ma & G'pa's to eat and hang out. You received a few toys from the Easter Bunny and played yourself to exhaustion. All in all I would say your first Easter was a success.
Love you more than you'll ever know,
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Keep Swiming-Swiming
My Little Swimmer!
Last Saturday I took you to your first swim lesson, I'd taken you swimming twice before and you loved it so I knew I wanted get you into lessons. We arrived just on time, found the dressing room stored our things and got into the pool just in time! There are several other babies in our class from 2-20 months. We sang several songs, splashed around a bit and had a grand time! The little boy next to us was super excited and made the silliest noises the whole time, you thought it was funny!
Next Saturday Dadda is going to come with us and take pictures! I hope we have such a good time again!
Love you Guppy!
Last Saturday I took you to your first swim lesson, I'd taken you swimming twice before and you loved it so I knew I wanted get you into lessons. We arrived just on time, found the dressing room stored our things and got into the pool just in time! There are several other babies in our class from 2-20 months. We sang several songs, splashed around a bit and had a grand time! The little boy next to us was super excited and made the silliest noises the whole time, you thought it was funny!
Next Saturday Dadda is going to come with us and take pictures! I hope we have such a good time again!
Love you Guppy!
Nine Month Stats
So I don't forget....
On March 14th you and I wondered off to your 9 month appointment. I left work a few hours early, picked you up and traveled to the doctor's office. I had decided ahead of time that you and I would go alone, before we'd always had someone (G'ma, Dadda or Aunt Emily) come with us but this time I knew we could do it alone so we did! There was only one other little boy in the waiting room, he was just slightly bigger than you and you were fascinated by him! You would watch him toddle around, each time he looked at you the biggest smile would spread across your face!
Soon the nurse came and got us to weigh and measure you. You are exactly 19lbs (35%), 27 inches (40%) and your head is 46cm (75%). You happily played while she asked me all the standard questions about your development, you are right on track (as we knew).
Dr. H came in and checked you out, asked some more questions and got several smiles from you, he also re-affirmed you are perfect, as we knew! He said you are ready to have your formula in a sippy cup, eat meat (both of which we had already started) but to stay away from peanuts/honey/shell fish. We'll go back in 3 months for your ONE YEAR visit, oh my gosh where is time going?
Love you so much,
On March 14th you and I wondered off to your 9 month appointment. I left work a few hours early, picked you up and traveled to the doctor's office. I had decided ahead of time that you and I would go alone, before we'd always had someone (G'ma, Dadda or Aunt Emily) come with us but this time I knew we could do it alone so we did! There was only one other little boy in the waiting room, he was just slightly bigger than you and you were fascinated by him! You would watch him toddle around, each time he looked at you the biggest smile would spread across your face!
Soon the nurse came and got us to weigh and measure you. You are exactly 19lbs (35%), 27 inches (40%) and your head is 46cm (75%). You happily played while she asked me all the standard questions about your development, you are right on track (as we knew).
Dr. H came in and checked you out, asked some more questions and got several smiles from you, he also re-affirmed you are perfect, as we knew! He said you are ready to have your formula in a sippy cup, eat meat (both of which we had already started) but to stay away from peanuts/honey/shell fish. We'll go back in 3 months for your ONE YEAR visit, oh my gosh where is time going?
Love you so much,
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
My Dearest Liam,
Or perhaps I should call you Scooter! You are such a fun boy, I want you to know that! You have the funniest laugh, you clearly know how to get a chuckle out of your Dadda and me. Lately you've been working on crawling, you will turn only leg behind you and you'll kind of bounce in a forward motion, trying your hardest to get to the toy we've placed just out of reach. Often times you will simply opt for a different toy that is near you but off to one side since you are a pro turner now, sometimes you even chuckle as if to says "hehe, I got a toy with less work!" Last night something clicked for you tho, you had both legs in front of you and some puff treats in front of you and you figured out if you bent both legs and dug in with your heels then pulled you could get at those puffs, oh it was a sight when you got them! You seemed to savor each puff too, it was rather funny! You let out a excited little noise, it was adorable!! We spent another hour (at least) placing things just out of your reach so you would scoot around the living room, practice makes perfect! I'm so happy for you, I know you long to be mobile...but I must admit there is a little part of me that is sad, you are growing up seemingly at warp-speeds, I have loved every stage and each part of our journey...it just feels like it's going a bit too fast these days.
I love you Liam so very much, there is nothing in the world like being your Momma!
Or perhaps I should call you Scooter! You are such a fun boy, I want you to know that! You have the funniest laugh, you clearly know how to get a chuckle out of your Dadda and me. Lately you've been working on crawling, you will turn only leg behind you and you'll kind of bounce in a forward motion, trying your hardest to get to the toy we've placed just out of reach. Often times you will simply opt for a different toy that is near you but off to one side since you are a pro turner now, sometimes you even chuckle as if to says "hehe, I got a toy with less work!" Last night something clicked for you tho, you had both legs in front of you and some puff treats in front of you and you figured out if you bent both legs and dug in with your heels then pulled you could get at those puffs, oh it was a sight when you got them! You seemed to savor each puff too, it was rather funny! You let out a excited little noise, it was adorable!! We spent another hour (at least) placing things just out of your reach so you would scoot around the living room, practice makes perfect! I'm so happy for you, I know you long to be mobile...but I must admit there is a little part of me that is sad, you are growing up seemingly at warp-speeds, I have loved every stage and each part of our journey...it just feels like it's going a bit too fast these days.
I love you Liam so very much, there is nothing in the world like being your Momma!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Humoring You
A quick story for you my Love,
I want to always remember the things that make you laugh....The other night we were playing on the living room floor and I decided to cover you with my body like a chicken would cover an egg, I repeated "incubate...incubate" the popped up really fast and said "HATCH!" You found this super funny, I probably "incubated" you 70 times and each time your smile and laugh was worth it.
I love you so much,
I want to always remember the things that make you laugh....The other night we were playing on the living room floor and I decided to cover you with my body like a chicken would cover an egg, I repeated "incubate...incubate" the popped up really fast and said "HATCH!" You found this super funny, I probably "incubated" you 70 times and each time your smile and laugh was worth it.
I love you so much,
Second Toothie
Hi Sweet Baby,
This morning I was checking out your gummies, mostly because you have a cold and thought we should clean up your gums (it made sense at the time)....and BAM! There it was toothie #2 poking through! Toothie #1 isn't even fully up, holy cow! I'm so excited for you but I'm fairly certain you will be 18 any moment.
The luckiest Momma in the world-
Your Momma
This morning I was checking out your gummies, mostly because you have a cold and thought we should clean up your gums (it made sense at the time)....and BAM! There it was toothie #2 poking through! Toothie #1 isn't even fully up, holy cow! I'm so excited for you but I'm fairly certain you will be 18 any moment.
The luckiest Momma in the world-
Your Momma
Thursday, February 23, 2012
The day you got your FIRST TOOTH!
My Liam,
Today when I picked you up from Nanna she said "We have something to show you!" She pointed to your mouth, before I knew it my fingertip was in there praying I would actually feel what I suspected.....YEP! Your very first tooth as popped through! (It's on the lower bottom off to your left). I could not contain my joy!! You are always happy but you seemed to enjoy my celebration extra!
We went home and prepared dinner while waiting for Dadda. I gave you frozen blueberries while I worked on bacon and eggs for us. Dadda was home before we knew it and we showed him right away. He was just as excited! "Toofies!"
I can't believe how fast these last eight months have gone!
Love you so much
Today when I picked you up from Nanna she said "We have something to show you!" She pointed to your mouth, before I knew it my fingertip was in there praying I would actually feel what I suspected.....YEP! Your very first tooth as popped through! (It's on the lower bottom off to your left). I could not contain my joy!! You are always happy but you seemed to enjoy my celebration extra!
We went home and prepared dinner while waiting for Dadda. I gave you frozen blueberries while I worked on bacon and eggs for us. Dadda was home before we knew it and we showed him right away. He was just as excited! "Toofies!"
I can't believe how fast these last eight months have gone!
Love you so much
Monday, February 20, 2012
Yes it's true! You started say Mom-mom-mom! You've been mumbling it here and there for awhile, usually when you had a toy in your mouth...but this weekend you put the words together for real! You know when I'm far away (aka the other room) and want to get my attention "mom-mom-mom" my heart melts! You were so proud of yourself when you did it too! It was like you really knew "finally I can get her attention when I want it!"
You also a professional sitter now, no assistance needed for you, no sir! I spread a few puffs around you and you will bend completely over and scoop those bad boys right up! Yummy!
I can hardly believe all the new things you are learning and accomplishing each day! The days, especially weekends, speed by me. I do my best to soak in each moment with you, like when you fall asleep in my arms or on my chest...
I love being your mom,
You also a professional sitter now, no assistance needed for you, no sir! I spread a few puffs around you and you will bend completely over and scoop those bad boys right up! Yummy!
I can hardly believe all the new things you are learning and accomplishing each day! The days, especially weekends, speed by me. I do my best to soak in each moment with you, like when you fall asleep in my arms or on my chest...
I love being your mom,
Summer Daydream
My Sweet Liam,
I'm daydreaming of summer with you! I can not wait for you to experience your first Montana summer! Oh the bliss of evening walks, playing at the water parks, hot dog cookouts, going to the lake, camping, hiking....I could go on and on! You are going to love it, I can already tell you are an outside kind of person. We have spent countless hours at the window watching the leaves change colors and the snow fall. I promise we are going to jam pack this summer full of memories, so much so that we will welcome the rest winter will bring! Are you ready buddy? I am!
I love you,
I'm daydreaming of summer with you! I can not wait for you to experience your first Montana summer! Oh the bliss of evening walks, playing at the water parks, hot dog cookouts, going to the lake, camping, hiking....I could go on and on! You are going to love it, I can already tell you are an outside kind of person. We have spent countless hours at the window watching the leaves change colors and the snow fall. I promise we are going to jam pack this summer full of memories, so much so that we will welcome the rest winter will bring! Are you ready buddy? I am!
I love you,
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Snuggles and Lack Thereof
You are growing up so quickly! On Valentine's Day you will be eight months....three-fourths of a year old! My how time has flown! While your still not mobile yet (and no I do not mind at all) you have become very independent! Gone is my snugly little peanut baby I held so close once upon a time. Now you want to sit up, completely unassisted thank-you-very much, and play until the cows come home! You love to look around at things, you and I spend countless hours walking around our small home, or on weekends the mall. You so enjoy being out, I can't wait until summer when we can go on family walks and play in the yard! No doubt by then you will be mobile, it's hard to believe!
I must confess I do get you to snuggle me once in a while, often when you are eating your last (or first) bottle of the day you will recline in my arms and just sit and look at me. We hold interesting conversations during these times (you think the word "poop" is hilarious!) or sometimes we say nothing at all, we just look at one another...it's such a special time to me. Oh the snuggles are glorious! The other night you weren't sleeping well, which is so unlike you, I decided to go in and rock you in hopes you would find rest again. You just pressed close to me in the darkness and reached your little hand up to touch my face. Your sweet little eyes were wide open, you didn't care that it was 1:00 am, you just needed your Momma and I was happy to be there for you. We rocked silently for about twenty minutes before you were deep in slumber again, I gently placed you back in your crib and returned to sleep myself.
I hope one day you cherish these stories as much I cherish the moments now. None of us know the number of moments we'll have dear Liam...and I will not take even one for granted with you! I have loved every single moment of being your Momma from the very moment I knew you existed (Oct 3, 2010). I know there will come a day when you are a "big boy" and don't want my hugs and snuggles and that is ok, I will still love you and when you do want those hugs and snuggles I will be ready and waiting!
I will always, always be your Momma and I promise to love you no matter what, forever and always!
You are growing up so quickly! On Valentine's Day you will be eight months....three-fourths of a year old! My how time has flown! While your still not mobile yet (and no I do not mind at all) you have become very independent! Gone is my snugly little peanut baby I held so close once upon a time. Now you want to sit up, completely unassisted thank-you-very much, and play until the cows come home! You love to look around at things, you and I spend countless hours walking around our small home, or on weekends the mall. You so enjoy being out, I can't wait until summer when we can go on family walks and play in the yard! No doubt by then you will be mobile, it's hard to believe!
I must confess I do get you to snuggle me once in a while, often when you are eating your last (or first) bottle of the day you will recline in my arms and just sit and look at me. We hold interesting conversations during these times (you think the word "poop" is hilarious!) or sometimes we say nothing at all, we just look at one another...it's such a special time to me. Oh the snuggles are glorious! The other night you weren't sleeping well, which is so unlike you, I decided to go in and rock you in hopes you would find rest again. You just pressed close to me in the darkness and reached your little hand up to touch my face. Your sweet little eyes were wide open, you didn't care that it was 1:00 am, you just needed your Momma and I was happy to be there for you. We rocked silently for about twenty minutes before you were deep in slumber again, I gently placed you back in your crib and returned to sleep myself.
I hope one day you cherish these stories as much I cherish the moments now. None of us know the number of moments we'll have dear Liam...and I will not take even one for granted with you! I have loved every single moment of being your Momma from the very moment I knew you existed (Oct 3, 2010). I know there will come a day when you are a "big boy" and don't want my hugs and snuggles and that is ok, I will still love you and when you do want those hugs and snuggles I will be ready and waiting!
I will always, always be your Momma and I promise to love you no matter what, forever and always!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Your First Word
My Liam,
I can hardly believe I'm about to type this but this weekend you said your first word. Yesterday started out like all other Saturdays, your Dad got up with you about 6:45am when you rose and allowed me to sleep a little longer. I enjoyed another hour of sleep and joined you two on the living room floor for some play time. The three of us were just being silly and genuinely enjoying some down time, you were just babbling away as usual then out of no where you went "da-da-da-da errrr Dada." Your Dad and I just stared at one another with huge smiles on our faces! We encouraged you a little saying "Da-da" and you would repeat after us "da-da-da-da ah wa ya-ya da-da". Your Dad was so happy a few tears even fell. I didn't run for the camera or camcorder because I just wanted to soak up this moment. It was a special first that your Dad and I got to experience together, what a special blessing!
I think your amazing,
Your Momma
I can hardly believe I'm about to type this but this weekend you said your first word. Yesterday started out like all other Saturdays, your Dad got up with you about 6:45am when you rose and allowed me to sleep a little longer. I enjoyed another hour of sleep and joined you two on the living room floor for some play time. The three of us were just being silly and genuinely enjoying some down time, you were just babbling away as usual then out of no where you went "da-da-da-da errrr Dada." Your Dad and I just stared at one another with huge smiles on our faces! We encouraged you a little saying "Da-da" and you would repeat after us "da-da-da-da ah wa ya-ya da-da". Your Dad was so happy a few tears even fell. I didn't run for the camera or camcorder because I just wanted to soak up this moment. It was a special first that your Dad and I got to experience together, what a special blessing!
I think your amazing,
Your Momma
More on Babbling
Sweet Liam,
I want to record another special moment I had with you this weekend, just tonight in fact. Your dad had gone down stairs to play video games so you and I were just playing and listening to some worship music, I'd be having a hard week and was gently singing the words as we played. You had been a little quiet (you usually get this way late into the evening before bed) so we were just playing when you started to babble along with me. It was just a sweet moment that touched my heart, here was my tiny baby singing and enjoying some worship with me. I got caught up in the moment and started to cry, you didn't like that so much so the moment was fleeting but I still cherish it.
I want to record another special moment I had with you this weekend, just tonight in fact. Your dad had gone down stairs to play video games so you and I were just playing and listening to some worship music, I'd be having a hard week and was gently singing the words as we played. You had been a little quiet (you usually get this way late into the evening before bed) so we were just playing when you started to babble along with me. It was just a sweet moment that touched my heart, here was my tiny baby singing and enjoying some worship with me. I got caught up in the moment and started to cry, you didn't like that so much so the moment was fleeting but I still cherish it.
Friday, January 27, 2012
The Way You Babble
Sweet Liam,
Your Momma has been going through a rough patch, today I had your G'ma bring you to my work so I could take you to get your flu booster shot. This was not what I wanted to do at the end of my Friday. It was such a joy when G'ma brought you in and you were so excited to see me, I loaded you up and off we went to the doctors office. You were your normal chatty self, we were able to get in and out of the doctor's office in record speed and you didn't even cry! On the way home I started to get stuck in my own head and lots in my worries, you must have sensed this because you started to babble like crazy as loud as you could! You not only melted my heart but washed away all the things I'd been worrying about. I don't know what I would do without you during this whole thing, thank God for you my little buddy!
Your Momma
Your Momma has been going through a rough patch, today I had your G'ma bring you to my work so I could take you to get your flu booster shot. This was not what I wanted to do at the end of my Friday. It was such a joy when G'ma brought you in and you were so excited to see me, I loaded you up and off we went to the doctors office. You were your normal chatty self, we were able to get in and out of the doctor's office in record speed and you didn't even cry! On the way home I started to get stuck in my own head and lots in my worries, you must have sensed this because you started to babble like crazy as loud as you could! You not only melted my heart but washed away all the things I'd been worrying about. I don't know what I would do without you during this whole thing, thank God for you my little buddy!
Your Momma
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