Friday, July 5, 2013

July 4, 2013

Sweet Liam,

We had the best fourth of July! I got up early and went running (7 miles) with our new neighbor friend. I was so happy to see your smiling face when I got home! We ate pancakes and played trains! We even went out and played in the little pool and blew bubbles (your current obsession).

Soon nap time was upon us, you went down for your standard 3 hour nap so I enjoyed a short one hour nap. I had planned to take you to the outdoor pool for ever and finally everything worked out so we could go! When you woke up we quickly dressed you, feed you and our neighbor friend arrived to go with us (she doesn't have kids).

Once at the splash pool (for toddlers) you were in heaven! You loved the slide and all the things that sprayed water! You even got brave enough to go through the big jets that shoot up from the ground! It was the best day!

Love you!