Thursday, July 26, 2012

Parent First, Friend Second

Dearest Liam,

I need to get better at writting to you here.  It's just that we have been enjoying summer so much, sometimes I forget to document it!

I want you to have fond memories of your childhood, I hope you look back on it and smile because I always played with you no matter what.  Even in the morning when I'm in my nice work clothes I get on the floor with you and enjoy whatever you are doing.  We wrestle, tickle, play blocks or cars, sometimes enjoy a book, whatever you would like in the few moments we get (before or after work).  I hope you never hope your childhood was any different than it was, I have loved you deeply every moment I've been given.  I cherish it all, even when you are grumpy! :)

My primary responsibility is to be your parent first.  I will discipline you, I will ground you, and at some point you will make choices that make me sad or disappoint me but I will always love you.  I will always be here for you, listen to you and support you.  I will speak the truth to you as sternly or delicately as I see fit for each situation.  I will make mistakes and disappoint you at some point, I hope I will have taught you enough grace to forgive me and continue to love me.  I hope someday we enjoy many hobbies together and at some point (maybe not until you are an adult) I hope you consider me your friend.

Love you to the moon and back,

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

1st Cabin Trip of 2012

Dearest Liam,

You have just experienced your first vacation and I think you are addicted!  Your Dadda and I took the week of the 4th of July off of work and headed to the family cabin with you.  I hope you grow to love the cabin the same way your Dad does, he has fond childhood memories of it that he cherishes. 

Dadda headed up there the night of 6/30 but you and I stayed behind to head up in the morning (as to avoid any Liam meltdowns in the car, you are a good baby in the car but who wants to risk it at 7pm?).  Sunday morning I had the car pre-loaded so you and I headed up around 8am (since you usually nap around 9am).  You could tell we were on an adventure, you looked around excited and happy for about 20 minutes then it was nap time!  It only takes an hour to get to the cabin from our home and you woke up just before we turned off the highway, we happily made it there minus a Liam meltdown, score one for Momma!

The week was filled with relaxation.  We woke when you woke, I napped when you napped (Dadda fished on the lake).  We ate easy meals mostly prepared on the grill.  It was glorious.  One of my favorite things about the cabin is the lack of phone, cable or internet.  I brought my runner's magazine and kindle to read and we watched disney dvds we brought (you have no interest in tv 99% of the time so it was mostly dad and I that watched those movies after you went to bed).

On Tuesday we took a afternoon hike to Morrell Falls, I wore you in our framed pack on the way up and Dadda wore you on the way out.  (This would be the only workout I got the week before my first half marathon, to say I was nervous was an understatement.)  After our hike we all enjoyed a ice cream treat at the little shop in town. 

Wednesday was the 4th of July so G'ma and G'pa came up and we went into town to watch your first parade! You were in heaven, you carefully observed all the people (especially children) and each "float" that went by!  You even enjoyed a ice cream cone with G'pa!

Thursday G'ma & G'pa wanted some Liam time so Dadda and I went up to Glacier National Park for the day.  It's been a hobby of your Dadda and I to visit national parks when possible (we've been to three or hour together now).  You went home with the grandparents that night and enjoyed a sleep over!  After a long day in the park your Dadda and I went back to the cabin, packed up and returned home to pick you up in the morning.

That Sunday I would do my first half marathon, you and Dadda met me once on the route and at the finish line and I cried my eyes out.  I hope someday you will love to hike and run with me my sweet boy!

Always your momma,

Your First Birthday Party

Yikes, how have I forgotten to write about this!  Life has been so busy that it totally slipped by.

On June 23rd family and friends gathered at G'ma & G'pa's house to celebrate you.  It was a warm, sunny day.  We put out chairs and games for people to mingle.  Aunt Emily baked several treats, we had fruit and drinks.  We put up blue and green ballons as well as a big one with some red balloons, we had fun plates and table clothes with "First Birthday" on them.  It was a warm and sunny day so we put out some games for people to play and chairs for other to sit and enjoy the day.

The day couldn't have gone better, it was low-key but so very fun, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.   You don't love to be sang too but you actually enjoyed a few bites of homemade vanilla cake (you ate mostly fruit in true Liam fashion).  We opened the gifts from family and friends, perhaps your favorite part because cousin Karmyn helped!  She is three years older than you and loves you so much!

It's hard to believe you are one, I look at you and I'm just amazed by how much you've grown!  I love you so much!  -Momma