Thursday, February 23, 2012

The day you got your FIRST TOOTH!

My Liam,
Today when I picked you up from Nanna she said "We have something to show you!"  She pointed to your mouth, before I knew it my fingertip was in there praying I would actually feel what I suspected.....YEP!  Your very first tooth as popped through!  (It's on the lower bottom off to your left).  I could not contain my joy!!  You are always happy but you seemed to enjoy my celebration extra!

We went home and prepared dinner while waiting for Dadda.  I gave you frozen blueberries while I worked on bacon and eggs for us.  Dadda was home before we knew it and we showed him right away.  He was just as excited!  "Toofies!" 

I can't believe how fast these last eight months have gone! 

Love you so much

Monday, February 20, 2012


Yes it's true!  You started say Mom-mom-mom!  You've been mumbling it here and there for awhile, usually when you had a toy in your mouth...but this weekend you put the words together for real!  You know when I'm far away (aka the other room) and want to get my attention "mom-mom-mom" my heart melts!  You were so proud of yourself when you did it too!  It was like you really knew "finally I can get her attention when I want it!" 

You also a professional sitter now, no assistance needed for you, no sir!  I spread a few puffs around you and you will bend completely over and scoop those bad boys right up! Yummy!

I can hardly believe all the new things you are learning and accomplishing each day!  The days, especially weekends, speed by me.  I do my best to soak in each moment with you, like when you fall asleep in my arms or on my chest...

I love being your mom,

Summer Daydream

My Sweet Liam,

I'm daydreaming of summer with you!  I can not wait for you to experience your first Montana summer!  Oh the bliss of evening walks, playing at the water parks, hot dog cookouts, going to the lake, camping, hiking....I could go on and on!  You are going to love it, I can already tell you are an outside kind of person.  We have spent countless hours at the window watching the leaves change colors and the snow fall.  I promise we are going to jam pack this summer full of memories, so much so that we will welcome the rest winter will bring!  Are you ready buddy? I am!

I love you,

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Snuggles and Lack Thereof


You are growing up so quickly!  On Valentine's Day you will be eight months....three-fourths of a year old! My how time has flown!  While your still not mobile yet (and no I do not mind at all) you have become very independent!  Gone is my snugly little peanut baby I held so close once upon a time.  Now you want to sit up, completely unassisted thank-you-very much, and play until the cows come home!  You love to look around at things, you and I spend countless hours walking around our small home, or on weekends the mall.  You so enjoy being out, I can't wait until summer when we can go on family walks and play in the yard!  No doubt by then you will be mobile, it's hard to believe!

I must confess I do get you to snuggle me once in a while, often when you are eating your last (or first) bottle of the day you will recline in my arms and just sit and look at me.  We hold interesting conversations during these times (you think the word "poop" is hilarious!) or sometimes we say nothing at all, we just look at one's such a special time to me.   Oh the snuggles are glorious!  The other night you weren't sleeping well, which is so unlike you, I decided to go in and rock you in hopes you would find rest again.  You just pressed close to me in the darkness and reached your little hand up to touch my face.  Your sweet little eyes were wide open, you didn't care that it was 1:00 am, you just needed your Momma and I was happy to be there for you.  We rocked silently for about twenty minutes before you were deep in slumber again, I gently placed you back in your crib and returned to sleep myself. 

I hope one day you cherish these stories as much I cherish the moments now.  None of us know the number of moments we'll have dear Liam...and I will not take even one for granted with you!  I have loved every single moment of being your Momma from the very moment I knew you existed (Oct 3, 2010).  I know there will come a day when you are a "big boy" and don't want my hugs and snuggles and that is ok, I will still love you and when you do want those hugs and snuggles I will be ready and waiting!

I will always, always be your Momma and I promise to love you no matter what, forever and always!