Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Keep Swiming-Swiming

My Little Swimmer!

Last Saturday I took you to your first swim lesson, I'd taken you swimming twice before and you loved it so I knew I wanted get you into lessons.  We arrived just on time, found the dressing room stored our things and got into the pool just in time!  There are several other babies in our class from 2-20 months.  We sang several songs, splashed around a bit and had a grand time!  The little boy next to us was super excited and made the silliest noises  the whole time, you thought it was funny! 

Next Saturday Dadda is going to come with us and take pictures!  I hope we have such a good time again! 

Love you Guppy!

Nine Month Stats

So I don't forget....

On March 14th you and I wondered off to your 9 month appointment.  I left work a few hours early, picked you up and traveled to the doctor's office.  I had decided ahead of time that you and I would go alone, before we'd always had someone (G'ma, Dadda or Aunt Emily) come with us but this time I knew we could do it alone so we did!  There was only one other little boy in the waiting room, he was just slightly bigger than you and you were fascinated by him!  You would watch him toddle around, each time he looked at you the biggest smile would spread across your face!

Soon the nurse came and got us to weigh and measure you.  You are exactly 19lbs (35%), 27 inches (40%) and your head is 46cm (75%).  You happily played while she asked me all the standard questions about your development, you are right on track (as we knew).

Dr. H came in and checked you out, asked some more questions and got several smiles from you, he also re-affirmed you are perfect, as we knew! He said you are ready to have your formula in a sippy cup, eat meat (both of which we had already started) but to stay away from peanuts/honey/shell fish.  We'll go back in 3 months for your ONE YEAR visit, oh my gosh where is time going?

Love you so much,

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


My Dearest Liam,

Or perhaps I should call you Scooter!  You are such a fun boy, I want you to know that!  You have the funniest laugh, you clearly know how to get a chuckle out of your Dadda and me.  Lately you've been working on crawling, you will turn only leg behind you and you'll kind of bounce in a forward motion, trying your hardest to get to the toy we've placed just out of reach.  Often times you will simply opt for a different toy that is near you but off to one side since you are a pro turner now, sometimes you even chuckle as if to says "hehe, I got a toy with less work!"  Last night something clicked for you tho, you had both legs in front of you and some puff treats in front of you and you figured out if you bent both legs and dug in with your heels then pulled you could get at those puffs, oh it was a sight when you got them!  You seemed to savor each puff too, it was rather funny!  You let out a excited little noise, it was adorable!!  We spent another hour (at least) placing things just out of your reach so you would scoot around the living room, practice makes perfect!  I'm so happy for you, I know you long to be mobile...but I must admit there is a little part of me that is sad, you are growing up seemingly at warp-speeds, I have loved every stage and each part of our just feels like it's going a bit too fast these days.

I love you Liam so very much, there is nothing in the world like being your Momma!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Humoring You

A quick story for you my Love,

I want to always remember the things that make you laugh....The other night we were playing on the living room floor and I decided to cover you with my body like a chicken would cover an egg, I repeated "incubate...incubate" the popped up really fast and said "HATCH!"  You found this super funny, I probably "incubated" you 70 times and each time your smile and laugh was worth it.

I love you so much,

Second Toothie

Hi Sweet Baby,

This morning I was checking out your gummies, mostly because you have a cold and thought we should clean up your gums (it made sense at the time)....and BAM!  There it was toothie #2 poking through!  Toothie #1 isn't even fully up, holy cow!  I'm so excited for you but I'm fairly certain you will be 18 any moment.

The luckiest Momma in the world-
Your Momma