Wednesday, June 27, 2012

1 Year Stats

Yesterday you and I went to your One Year appointment with your doctor.  I left work, picked you up at Nanna's and we made it to the doctor's office just in time, whew! We happily waited, you sat on my lap watching a little 9 month old girl named Dalaney.  I sensed some jealousy when I talked to her, mostly because you reached up with both hands and pulled on the necklace I was wearing, lol!

We only waited a few minutes before we were called back.  You weighed in at 21.5 lbs (50th percentile), height of 29 inches (50th percentile) and your head....well I sorta forget exactly what your measurement was (you were wiggling a lot and we had to measure you three times!) but I know you are still in the 75th percentile!  We chatted with the nurse as she asked milestone questions (using pincher fingers, knows a few words, stands on his own, etc.) You are right on track with all your milestones, you are a perfectly normal one year old just as I knew all a long!  The nurse reminded me of the vaccinations you would receive (MMR, Chicken Pox & Hep A)....I dread these shots, it's no fun seeing your baby get poked!  You are on the standard vaccination schedule (just in case you care in the future).

Again we waited just a short while before your doctor came in.  He is a nice man, in my age range and of Asian decent.  You aren't sure of him just yet but who would be, you get poked almost every time you see him! lol!  He also went through a series of questions, asked if you are meeting your milestones.  I also asked a few questions, I wanted to make sure you are getting enough fluid (I'm a freak about hydration), asked him about your dry skin (you need some lotion).  All in all it was nothing mind blowing.  He checked your eyes, tummy, legs etc etc.  Again you are a perfectly normal, healthy one year old little boy.  The only thing your doctor did point out is that he would like us to start weaning you from the bottle.  You only get one or two a day (the rest is sippy cups) and again it's because I'm a freak about hydration!  (You don't really even love the bottle so it's gonna be super easy).

Then the nurse came back, oh you poor guy!  Three shots, chicken pox in the left and the other two in the right.  Side note when you get really upset you hold your breath and almost pass out-you've been reeeaaallly close to passing out twice.....yeah you did that in front of the nurses.  At least they reassured me I'm doing the right thing by blowing gently on your face so you don't pass out.  Whew.  A moment later you were fine, I dressed you and we were on our way!

We stopped at the grocery store to get a missing item for dinner and headed home.  Before we knew it Dadda was home, we all ate dinner (actually you were starving so I fed you a quick dinner and we ate ours when dadda got home).  We played, gave you a bath and before we knew it bedtime was upon us.  You slept well just like you always do and were happy-go-lucky by morning.

I love you sweet Liam, you are by far the best thing that has ever happened to me.  I promise to always love you, always support you, to give you tough love when you need it and know when you just need a hug.  I promise I will always do whatever I can to be the best mom I can be to you.

Love you, more than you will ever know

Saturday, June 16, 2012

You hate cake

Sweet Liam,

Momma did  not make a typo.  On Thursday evening we gathered with your G'ma, G'pa, Auntie, Uncle and GG Turkey to celebrate your First Birthday!  We waited too long to eat (Dadda was late getting off work) so you were a little grumpy during our song to you.  I thought for sure you would love your cupcake....nope!  You sip every bite out, even the frosting!  You cried a little and ended up with cupcake and frosting all over yourself and the floor.  I even had to give you a fast bath!  You perked right up for presents, you got a bunch of new blocks and a little pool from the family, yay!!

Hopefully you like cake again by your birthday party next weekend!  (It's ok if you don't!)

Much Love,

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Today You Turned ONE!

This morning at 9:56 am to be exact.  I can hardly believe it!  You are by far the sweetest, funniest, happiest child I have ever known!  You have brought more joy to my life than I could have ever imagined, you are the light of my life and I cherish each moment with you!

Your Dadda and I went in and sang "Happy Birthday" to you as you woke up this morning, which you thought was great!  I made you pancakes with apple butter and cut up blueberries and green grapes (your favorite breakfast), you gobbled that down in a heart beat!  Everyone welcomed you with "Happy Birthdays", smiles and hugs at Nanna Annette's too!  You probably think you are the king today and that is a-okay!

Tonight we'll head out to Grandma & Grandpa's house and have dinner with them and your Aunt and Uncle (and possibly Great Grandma Turkey).  After dinner, which I'm going to let you have pizza YUM! You will get your first real treat, a cupcake!  I'm not sure how I think you will react but I'm sure I'll always rememeber it!  You are so special, you are the most amazing gift and a special blessing!!!

Happy First Birthday Liam!
I love you,