Thursday, June 14, 2012

Today You Turned ONE!

This morning at 9:56 am to be exact.  I can hardly believe it!  You are by far the sweetest, funniest, happiest child I have ever known!  You have brought more joy to my life than I could have ever imagined, you are the light of my life and I cherish each moment with you!

Your Dadda and I went in and sang "Happy Birthday" to you as you woke up this morning, which you thought was great!  I made you pancakes with apple butter and cut up blueberries and green grapes (your favorite breakfast), you gobbled that down in a heart beat!  Everyone welcomed you with "Happy Birthdays", smiles and hugs at Nanna Annette's too!  You probably think you are the king today and that is a-okay!

Tonight we'll head out to Grandma & Grandpa's house and have dinner with them and your Aunt and Uncle (and possibly Great Grandma Turkey).  After dinner, which I'm going to let you have pizza YUM! You will get your first real treat, a cupcake!  I'm not sure how I think you will react but I'm sure I'll always rememeber it!  You are so special, you are the most amazing gift and a special blessing!!!

Happy First Birthday Liam!
I love you,

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