Thursday, May 31, 2012

Pulling On My Heart Strings

Sweet Little Liam,

Where, oh where, has time gone my love?  In just two short weeks you will be ONE year old!  You captured my heart the first time I knew you existed (Oct 3, 2010), seeing your heart beat for the first time on November 1, 2010, finding out you were a boy on December 14th, 2010....I loved each and every moment of my pregnancy, I was determined to enjoy each second I got with you and I did!  I happily waddled around rubbing my belly and giggling each time you kicked!  Then on June 13th I naturally went into labor, the next day (June 14th 2012, your due date) you came into the world and it has never been the same since!  You are my world, my joy, my sunshine, my pride and joy!

Watching you achieve each of your milestones has been the greatest joy of my life.  Each time you smile or say "mama, ma ma" my heart melts.  Snuggles are rare these days but I cherish them, especially at nap time on the weekends.  You have become my best little buddy, you follow me around (via crawling) in the mornings while the three of us get ready, you are always grinning from ear to ear! Unless I pick you up, then you don't want to be put down.  I could play on the floor with you for days, watching you push your trucks and make silly sounds fills my soul with laughter.  Recently you started pulling up on things, if I turn my back or blink you will be found across the room standing and holding on to something bravely with one hand and grinning from ear to ear!

You may wonder if I'm making much of this up or only writing about the happy things but the truth is you are a very easy baby.  You started sleeping through the night on your own (at about 5 months) and only had some trouble while teething.  When I couldn't breastfeed you anymore you took a bottle of formula just fine.  You loved solids and still will eat anything we give you without complaint.  Just last night we offered you your first sippy of whole milk (you drink water from the sippy like a pro) problem, you loved it!  You are the happiest person I know, you make me a happier person.

I love you more than I will ever be able to explain, I hope you always know that!

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