Monday, August 1, 2011

Hello My Love

My Sweet Liam,
Today you are 6 weeks and 6 days old, yet it feels like you've been part of everyday of my 28 years.  I love you more than I can express with mere words, which is the reason for this blog.  I want to write to you over and over, tell you stories so that one day if I don't remember these details they will be here for you to discover.
If I can tell you just one thing it's that you are so loved, first by Jesus and secondly by momma and dadda.  You have a huge network of people who love you, some are family by blood and some are not but they all love you just the same.  Your dadda and I prayed for you, we begged God for you and  hoped for you for so long, you are an amazing miracle that we thank God for daily.
You are the happiest little guy I've ever met, you only fuss when something is wrong (gas, dirty diaper or hungry).  You smile and make the best little noises, you love to snuggle and don't mind strangers at all.  There isn't much you don't like!  It feels like you are growing like a weed yet you still fit into your newborn clothing.  You are so handsome, everyone comments on what a beautiful baby you are!
I'll write more soon my sweet love, right now I'm going to go snuggle you!
-Your Momma

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